If your school does not offer a class that you need for college or you are an athlete or want to graduate early, then enrolling with our individual online courses is an ideal option for you. Our accredited online courses are great for homeschooling families to supplement their current homeschool curriculum. Our online high school individual courses are independent learning programs which are designed to give you an opportunity to earn credits in subjects required. With Forest Trail Academy, you can choose a course that works for you. Start and finish a course anytime during the year!
Forest Trail Academy offers Credit Recovery Courses which are self paced programs that enables students to gain/recover their credits need to graduate on time. We offer our courses to students on an individual basis via both online learning and with correspondence (books). While both these programs offer academic records, we simply provide these courses individually outside of our full-time program.
Forest Trail Academy is fully accredited online high school that means our courses are transferable to other schools nationwide from Kindergarten to 12th grade. While the full-time K-12th grade programs (4 to 6 credits/classes) are still the best option both academically and financially for most families, we recognize that there may be good reasons why a student may wish to take only a course or two with us – credit recovery, summer school, accelerated credits, electives, foreign languages, etc.
However, students taking individual courses with Forest Trail Academy who are not enrolled in our full-time or diploma program are not eligible to graduate from Forest Trail Academy or receive a high school diploma. Students in twelfth (12th) grade must complete 25% of their courses at Forest Trail Academy in order to attain a high school diploma.
Students who wish to enroll for our individual courses should seek approval from their public/private school. Generally we allow up to two (2) courses of individual credits per semester. Browse through our credit recovery course list below: