Online High School

Fine Arts
Art History

Art History Online High School Course Outline

Art History will provide an in depth study of art history and basic art concepts. Students will examine a variety of aspects of art history including themes and purposes of art; styles of art; the elements of art; design principles; two-dimensional media; western and non-western art history. Art History course is a part of Fine-Arts subject, in which students will be given exposure to the community through museums, galleries and local artists. Students will also have a working knowledge of media.

Course Outline

  • Course Description
  • Assignment Details
  • Teacher Introduction
  • Prehistory and Prehistoric Art In Europe
  • Prehistoric Periods In Europe
  • Bison, Altamira, Spain
  • Bird Headed Man with Bison
  • Plain, Village of Skara Brae
  • Video Lessons: Stonehenge
  • Stone Pages
  • Quiz: Test #1
  • Art of the Ancient Near East
  • Reconstruction Drawing of the Anu Ziggurat and White Temple
  • Votive Statue Of Gudea
  • Ishtar Gate and Throne Room Wall
  • Sumerian
  • Art of Ancient Egypt
  • Palette Of Narmer
  • Sculptors At Work
  • Plan Of Djoser’s Funerary Complex
  • Great Pyramids
  • Ti Watching A Hippopotamus Hunt
  • Reconstruction Drawing Of The Hypostyle, Great Temple Of Amun
  • Funerary Temple Of Hatshepsut, Deir-El-Bahri
  • Queen TIY
  • Inner Coffin Of Tutankhamun’s Sarcophagus
  • Assignment: Art History – Assignment #1 – Chapters 1 – 4
  • The Aegean World
  • Kamares Ware Jug
  • Harvester Vase
  • Landscape
  • Citadel, Mycenae
  • Quiz: Art History 100 – Quiz #1
  • Art of Ancient Greece
  • Myron, Discus Thrower
  • Funerary Vase
  • Greek Architectural Order
  • Peplos Kore
  • Erotimos (Potter) and Kleitas (Painter), Francois Vasse
  • Charioteer
  • Plan Of The Agoralide
  • Partheon by Kallikrates and Iktinos
  • Marshals and Young Women
  • Polykletios, Spear Bearer
  • Praxiteles, Hermes and The Infant Dionysus
  • Alexander The Great Confronts Darius III
  • Midterm Review (Chapter 1 – 2)
  • Midterm Review (Chapter 3 – 4)
  • Midterm Review (Chapter 5 – 6)
  • Quiz: Test #2
  • Etruscan Art and Roman Art
  • Plan Of An Etruscan Temple
  • Elements Of Architecture
  • Head Of A Man
  • Plan Of A Temple, perhaps dedicated to Portunus
  • Imperial Procession, from the AraPacis
  • Colosseum
  • Arch Of Titus
  • Mausoleum Under Construction
  • Plan Of The City Of Pompeii
  • Canopus, Hadrian’s Villa
  • Phillip The Arab
  • Early Christian, Jewish and Byzantine Art
  • Wall With Torah Niche
  • Parting Of Lot and Abraham
  • Anthemis of Trailles
  • Elements Of Architecture, Pendentives and Squinches
  • Page With The Crucifixion
  • Harbaville Triptych
  • Handout: Quiz #2 Chapters 6-8
  • Quiz: Art History 100 – Quiz #2
  • Assignment: Art History – Quiz #2 – Chapters 6 – 8
  • Art History 100 – Mid-Term Exam
  • Quiz: Art History 100 – Mid-Term Exam
  • Islamic Art
  • Frieze, Detail Of Palce, Mshatta
  • Bowl With Kufic Border
  • SelimiyeCami
  • Quiz: Test #3
  • Art of the Americas before 1300
  • Ceremonial Center Of The City Of Teotihuacan
  • Medieval Art
  • Reconstruction Drawing Of The Palace Chapel Of Charlemagne
  • Burial Ship
  • Doors Of Bishop Bernward
  • Romanesque Art
  • Plan Of Abbey Church Of Saint Foy
  • Elements Of Architecture, The Romanesque Church Portal
  • Christ In Majesty, detail from church of San Clementem, Spain
  • Nave Of Durham Cathedral
  • Facsimile Of Page With Hildegard’s Vision
  • Quiz: Test #4
  • Gothic Art
  • Elements of Architecture, RIB Vaulting
  • Nave, Chartres Cathedral
  • Vaults, Sanctuary, Amiens Cathedral
  • Nave, Reims Cathedral
  • Salisbury Cathedral
  • Elements Of Architecture, The Gothic Castle
  • Florence Cathedral
  • Saint Francis Master, Miracle Of The Crib At Greccio
  • Assignment: Art History – Quiz #3 – Chapters 9, 11 and 12
  • F.E. (Chapter 7 – 8)
  • F.E. (Chapter 12 – 14)
  • F.E. (Chapter 15 – 16)
  • Quiz: Art History – Final Exam
  • Assignment: Compare & Contrast Paper
  • Handout: Course Survey
  • Assignment: Course Survey