Online High School

Grade 9
Health I

Grade 9 Health I Course Outline (0.5 Credit)

Health Education is designed to give students an awareness of the importance of one’s health in improving the quality of life. It is a subject of Grade-9 Online High Course that includes choosing and financing health services; communicable diseases; chronic disorders; abuse of drugs, alcohol, and tobacco; and other topics related to developing health-educated individuals.

Course Outline

  • Welcome
  • Course Description
  • Understanding Plagiarism
  • Health and Wellness Links
  • MLA Formatting MSWord 2007
  • MLA Documentation updates
  • MLA Citation
  • MLA Incorporating Sources
  • Essay: Introduction
  • Welcome to Comprehensive Health Education!
  • Health status of a population
  • The Leading Health Indicator
  • Worksheet: Health Determinants and Health Status
  • What Impacts Your Health?
  • You Control Your Health!
  • Character
  • Quiz: Understanding Health & Wellness
  • Essay: Expository Writing
  • The New Food Pyramid
  • Handout: MyPlate Community Toolkit
  • Assignment: Healthy Eating Presentation
  • Macronutrients
  • Nutrients
  • Eating Disorders
  • Choose Diet Low in Fat
  • Choose Diet Moderate in Sodium
  • Unhealthy Eating
  • Worksheet: Eating for Health: Nutrition
  • Quiz: Nutrition
  • Weight Management
  • Aim for Healthy Weight
  • Handout: Analyze your Diet
  • Essay: Advertising
  • Assignment: Analyze your Diet
  • Assignment: Community’s Impact on Health
  • Overview
  • All About Exercising
  • Skeletal and Muscle Systems
  • Circulatory System
  • Fitness Plan
  • Handout: Develping Your Personal Fitness Plan
  • Worksheet: Developing a Personal Fitness Plan
  • Assignment: Create a Fitness & Strength Training Plan
  • Weight Training & Sports
  • Measuring Your Heart Rate
  • Handout: Heart Rate Activity
  • Assignment: Heart Rate Activity
  • Worksheet: Physical Activity
  • Self-esteem
  • Self Responsibility
  • Human Emotions
  • Anxiety
  • Case Study
  • Essay: High Anxiety
  • Stress and Anxiety
  • Signs of Stress
  • Stressors
  • Types of Conflict
  • Comunication during Conflicts
  • Assignment: Communication
  • Other Sources of Stress
  • General Adaptation Syndrome
  • Long-Term Effects of Stress
  • Stress Management Program
  • Prevent Stress Overload
  • Quiz: Stress Management
  • Dealing with Trauma
  • PTSD & DID
  • Trauma Reactions
  • Therapy
  • Resources
  • Determinism
  • Worksheet: Mental and Emotional Health
  • Protect Yourself
  • Acne is no fun
  • Dandruff
  • Fingernails and Eyes
  • Worksheet: Prevention: Skin, Hair, Nails, & Eyes
  • Essay: Learn about a Topic
  • The Common Cold
  • Pollen Allergy
  • Healthy Teeth
  • Digestive Problems
  • Worksheet: ENT, Dental Care, & Digestion
  • Alcohol
  • Smoking
  • What Is Spit Tobacco?
  • Worksheet: Alcohol & Tobacco
  • Marriage
  • Making Marriages Work
  • Assignment: Relationships
  • Common Experiences
  • Quiz: Relationships
  • Boys And Girls Health
  • Making a Choice about Sex
  • Birth Control Methods
  • Worksheet: Sexuality
  • STDs
  • Types of STDs
  • What is AIDS
  • Essay: STDs
  • Preventing STDs
  • Worksheet: HIV, AIDS and STDs
  • Illegal Drugs
  • OTC Drugs
  • Drug Education
  • Worksheet: Drugs
  • What is First Aid?
  • First Aid Misconceptions
  • First Aid Overview
  • Essential Skills
  • Accident Scenes & Drowning
  • Heart Attack & Bleeding
  • Essay: AED’s
  • Choking: Adults and Babies
  • Burns & Seizures
  • Resuscitation & Poisoning
  • Asthma & Anaphylaxis
  • Worksheet: Reviewing First Aid
  • Quiz: First Aid
  • Becoming an Informed Patient
  • Specialties
  • Midwives and Pharmacists
  • Worksheet: Using the Health Care System
  • Herbology
  • Acupuncture
  • Acupressure
  • Chiropractic Medicine
  • Biofeedback
  • Worksheet: Alternative Healthcare Options
  • Student Life
  • Society’s Problems
  • Essay: Society’s Impact
  • Different Kinds Of Families
  • Worksheet: Friendship and Peer Relations
  • Assignment: Family Patterns
  • What is Anger?
  • Everyday Anger
  • Is Anger Good for You?
  • Measure your Anger
  • Avoidance of Anger
  • Positive Anger Management
  • Quiz: Anger
  • Assignment: Keep a Hostility Log
  • Essay: Bullying
  • Physical Development
  • Cognitive Development:
  • Psycho-Social Development
  • Worksheet: Growth and Development
  • Resources
  • Essay: Resources
  • Environmental Threats
  • Personal Environmental Health
  • Recycling
  • Quiz: Environmental Health
  • Worksheet: Environmental Health
  • 1- Grief
  • Coping with the Death of a Family Member
  • Loss of a Pet
  • Supporting a Grieving Friend
  • Essay: Dealing with Loss
  • Worksheet: Death and Dying
  • Final Exam
  • Worksheet: Final Exam Part 1
  • Quiz: Final Exam Part 2
  • Assignment: Final Project
  • Course Survey
  • Handout: Course Survey
  • Assignment: Course Survey