Explore the factors contributing to the decline of America’s skills and the potential solutions to revive the nation’s workforce through online education and skill development initiatives.
The Sorry State Of America’s Declining Skills!

Explore the factors contributing to the decline of America’s skills and the potential solutions to revive the nation’s workforce through online education and skill development initiatives.
Discover the world of online school education, its flexibility, benefits, and how it compares to traditional schooling for K-12 students.
Explore why it’s time to embrace quality online education as a flexible, personalized, and effective alternative to traditional schooling, especially in the wake of COVID-19 disruptions.
Discover the truths behind common misconceptions about virtual high schools and why they offer a valuable educational path for many students.
Explore the key differences between traditional and online schools and learn how to make a smooth and successful transition to online learning.
When you are a high-school student, you need to be solution-driven as well as success-centric. Here are some easy tips that will help you make online school work for you: Stick to discipline No matter what, stick to discipline! You heard it right! When you are an online student, success goes hand-in-hand with self-discipline.
Discover easy and effective strategies to make online homeschooling a success, emphasizing organization, time management, and proactive learning habits.
The “back to school” season is dreaded by many students since they get too leisure-loving being in the holiday mode. However, following certain smart tips can make it easier for students to get into the “switch-on” mode that is required to get back to school. After all, a new school year or a new school course is all about starting afresh with new zeal and dreams of achieving high. Devising smart routines, diligently practicing certain disciplines etc. are some of the major steps that can help you to get back to school.
With increasing high school dropout rates and the widespread use of online Homeschool education in the form of credit recovery programs, there have been certain people questioning the effectiveness of the entire concept of online school learning. These credit recovery programs are being developed and targeted at students who’ve failed their high school courses with the objective of offering them a second chance at graduating and earning their high school diplomas.
Go to school, get good grades and earn your high school diploma.” That advice is just not going to cut it anymore. Anyone who’d like to debate that only needs to take a look around. Things aren’t the same anymore, not even remotely close to what they used to be. If you want your child to make it in the real world then you’ve got to stay abreast with the changing times. Technology, innovation, globalization – these are the new buzzwords.