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What’s Your New Year’s Resolution?
Every year, most of us spend a lot of time thinking about resolutions we would like to make for the New Year as December draws to an end. However, how many of us actually end up achieving what we planned to? This year, it would be nice if you could make one and actually see it through to fruition. If that is truly what you want for yourself, we’re here to help you.
One of the most important things in life is a good education. A high school diploma can make a world of difference when pursuing higher education or seeking employment. A lot of us tend to take things for granted, especially when we are that young. Most teenagers will never realize how important it is until it’s too late. But with online schools providing them with a second chance, even working professionals can now look forward to completing their education at very affordable costs.
Most students in high school today are hard-pressed for time. They take on several different extracurricular activities along with college-prep AP courses in addition to their already grueling course curriculum. In such circumstances, online K-12 courses offer them some respite.
By studying online, students now have the flexibility to schedule their courses according to their convenience. They are no longer bound by rigid school timings that make it necessary for them to be physically present in a classroom while they complete their course of study. Online schools offer students the possibility of earning their online high school diploma from the convenience of their own homes. Additionally, for students who do not wish to give their regular school curriculum, online platforms offer the option of enrolling for select courses and electives.
The most significant advantage of enrolling for online K-12 courses is the degree of flexibility you are offered in terms of studying your course material. Since lessons are completely web-based, you have the freedom to learn from virtually any location that has a computer, laptop or handheld device and an internet connection. Courses are structured in a self-paced manner that allows you to progress at your own individual pace. Not only does this process help students focus more on learning (as opposed to just getting good grades) but it also instills in them a sense of self-confidence that helps them achieve more.
The concept of independent learning is fundamental to the way online schools function. It is true that younger students certainly require a little more handholding when being introduced to online homeschooling. But with students from higher grades, taking to web-based learning is like fish taking to water. They may struggle a little initially, but over time it will become second nature to them. This is an extremely important step since the corporate world is gradually shifting to online learning as a tool to cut costs and customize learning needs when designing in-house training modules.
It’s true that none of us has a crystal ball that we can look into and predict the future. But with education costs rising rapidly, online K-12 courses offer us a viable alternative to secure a good education. There are several advantages to online learning as opposed to traditional methods of imparting education.
For starters, consider the amount of time students can save on travel. The commute to and back from school is certain to take up more and more time as traffic increases. Furthermore, the longer they have to travel, the more exhausted they are going to get. Imagine what this would be like for students studying in elementary school. Students in high school are already complaining about the high stress levels they have to deal with. Wouldn’t it be nice if we could help them overcome that stress?
When you evaluate the current scenario in a pragmatic manner, it isn’t hard to see how much our children are suffering. As time goes by, things will only get worse if we do not step in and help make things better. Boredom in school has been cited as the number one reason for most students who give up on earning their high school diploma. While learning should be fun, it should also be easily accessible and stressful up to a certain limit. Beyond that, no matter how strong a student’s resolve, things are bound to get out of hand, which would only result in more students giving up on pursuing their diplomas and degrees.
It may seem hard for most people to acknowledge the fact that online learning avenues may soon take over conventional schooling. With the rise of tech startups, several sectors are witnessing an overhaul of the way business is being done. Media refers to such innovations as “disruptive technology” but they are much more than that. Sure, they are disrupting the way things are currently being done. But in the long run, they will prove to be much more beneficial than traditional schools.
Educators and parents have been talking about the various advantages they have had a chance to experience when working with online K-12 courses. The most talked about benefit seems to be the ability to vary the pace of learning. Since no two students are equal, this provides students with a great deal of flexibility and allows them to explore their course curriculum more thoroughly. Additionally, it also relieves the pressure of having to cope with the entire class, which in some cases can prove to be extremely detrimental to a child’s learning process.
What most teachers have observed is that students may give teachers the impression that they have understood a concept (when they actually haven’t), just to escape peer ridicule. With online learning however, they have a chance to actually study independently and have all their doubts cleared in a private, one-to-one session with their teachers. Such avenues will certainly help students learn better and provide them with economically viable alternatives suited to their pursuit of a high school diploma.