What is the Online Credit Recovery Program? How does it work?

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What is the Online Credit Recovery Program? How does it work? 1

Every student has a different approach to learning. Every mind-set is different, so is the grasping capability different. Earlier, when students in traditional schools would perform with low credit scores, non-availability of recovery programs or any special channels through which they can regain their lost ground were nowhere in the picture. This forced many students to opt out from their studies. Many did this out of disenchantment because they had no other means to regain the credit score in the subjects.

However, such isn’t the condition today. The scenario is completely changed. Education imparting institutions realize the fact that there has to be a certain alternative which would assist the students in getting back their credit scores. This gave birth to credit recovery programs. Online schools gave a major push to these programs which lured many students.


In many cases, the online credit recovery program was used as drop-out prevention strategy. It allowed most of the students in the longer run to get back to their studies and prevented discouragement. With the credit recovery, they now had the road through which they can work back on their weaker sections and regain the grades within the stipulated time.

The students could either work on their impending subjects during their on or off school hours or they can also dedicate their summer vacations for these subjects. Working on the backlog subjects and a second attempt is the best option in summer vacations. In online schools especially, the recovery program have proliferated as it comes down as one of the best options to give them a platform where they had the lucrative option of getting back their lost credit scores. This, online credit recovery programs are most common at the online high school level school since the basic schooling subjects are the ones where most of the students lag.

Moreover, these credit recovery programs come in various quality and designs. They are especially developed by instructors of the school. In case a child is in a traditional school all sorts of possible efforts through online mode is made to help him/her in scoring in the subjects. Sometimes, the teacher would communicate with the student and address queries whereas at times, the student would just avail guidelines from a sent tutorial by the teacher. All this because too get the maximum assistance from the teachers. It makes questions clear for the students and gives them a warm support.


Though this online credit recovery program was devised to only help the students in the broader concept, critics after an in-depth analysis pointed out certain flaws which should be addressed. Firstly, the debate regarding the online recovery programs revolved around it`s mere efficiency. Many critics argued that such a program which is imparted through online medium might not leave a lasting impact or a considerable effect on the students since there is a complete absence of physical face to face communication. Like in traditional classrooms, where the students interacted with the teachers and fellow students on real time, such was totally absent in the online mode of credit recovery program. This led to an assumption that the online school`s credit recovery might good look good and appealing on paper but in practical sense, it lacked connectivity and a realistic approach.

One important concern which the critics pointed out was that in many of these online credit recovery programs, the students are pushed through the system in which they gain credit in the less important or watered down courses in comparison to real or relevant subjects. So, earning credit in non-important subjects doesn’t make any sense for the students. Also, a credit recovery program of the school well might not be aligned and arranged with the academic or learning expectations with the subject in which the student actually failed. The recovery program might not provide the student that benefit which he actually needs.

Many critics straightway shun the online credit recovery programs because the absence of the direct student teacher communication just doesn’t strike the chord. It`s true that if a student has secured low in certain subjects, he obviously requires attention from the teacher. In the case of online recovery programs, the instructors communicate through video conferencing only.

But still, the online recovery programs come with a lot of lifelines for the students. They are specifically designed so that they meet the individual needs of every student. For example, some of the credit recovery options might be customized so that they meet the distinct learning expectations of the student while some of them might require intense oversight by the teachers and guidance from them. Also, some of the programs might be hybrid i.e. partly working with the students and partly the student on his own. For instance, the software applications precisely calculate the exact time the students took to solve the problem or how many hours did it take for him to do so. This data can be effectively used by the teachers to understand the exact position of every student and the teacher can him/herself decide how much attention a student needs.

Also, in the recent years, many of the public schools have been receiving pressure from the government to improve the performance of the students and bring on certain programs so as to improve the performance of every student in which he secured low grades. This has in turn boosted the growth of the online credit recovery programs.

Analyzing the effect of these credit recovery programs, so far they have proved to be very beneficial for each and every student. These programs have ideally paved the way for students who were looking for some medium through which they can work on their low grades. These online credit recovery programs have found acceptance in all the students especially of the traditional school students as they now have a platform where in their vacations they can work on their subjects with ease.

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