This course follows Florida’s Next Generation Sunshine State Standards for 6th grade social studies.
The course begins with a short review of geography and how to read maps correctly. The rest of the class focuses on ancient civilizations, their cultures, and their histories. The students first learn about the very first civilizations such as the Sumerians and the Babylonians.
Next the students learn about ancient Egypt, including the old, middle, and new kingdoms. They will then learn about ancient Israelites, including the lost tribes of Israel. The students then learn about ancient Greece and its impact on architecture, athletics, and medicine. Ancient India will be discussed next along with the idea of caste as a cornerstone of a civilization. The students will also learn about ancient China and the various dynasties and their impact. Ancient Africa is also studied, particularly the great cities of Timbuktu and Zimbabwe.
Finally, the students will learn about ancient Rome. They will learn about the daily life of Romans, the culture of the time, and the fall of Rome.