The course gives an introduction to zoology, with particular emphasis on the morphology and systematics of both vertebrates and invertebrates. In addition, the students should acquire basic knowledge in ethology, evolution, and human ecology (including an introduction to the biosphere and biodiversity).
Zoology is a course that will survey the nine major phyla of the kingdom Animalia. Zoology is the study of animal life. Zoologists research everything they think to ask about animals, including their anatomy and interrelationships, their physiology and genetics, and their distributions and habitats. Human beings have been zoologists for as long as there have been human beings. As humans, we are intricately tied to animal life – we’ve depended on many of them for food, work, and friendship throughout our evolution and history….not to mention that we ARE animals!
You will be completing all work online, however, you will be required to complete all readings and submit all assignments throughout the course.
A-100%-90%, B-89%-80%, C-79%-70%, D-69%-60%, F-Below 60%
Your final grade will be comprised of Exams, Activities, Projects and Handouts that we will be completing throughout the course online.
In order to receive the best grade possible and to obtain all requirements for the course, please follow the steps listed below:
Quizzes will be given after each lesson is completed. There is no time limit on completing each lesson, however, you cannot continue to the next lesson until you have completed the Quiz for that lesson. The quiz will cover concepts that were presented in that lesson.