Online High School


Anthropology Course Outline

Students acquire an understanding of the differences and similarities, both biological and cultural, in human populations. Students recognize the characteristics that define their culture and gain an appreciation for the culture of others. The content includes, but not be limited to, the following: human biological and cultural origins -adaptation to the physical environment -diversity of human behavior – an evolution of social and cultural institutions -patterns of language development -family and kinship relationships -effects of change on such cultural institutions as the arts, education, religion and law.

Within each chapter are several pages that cover topics such as the ability to identify and describe the following anthropology sub-fields: physical and cultural anthropology, linguistics, archaeology, and specialized sub-fields. Because so much of the material builds upon prior knowledge, it is required that you go through the course in the order it is written.

Virtual labs and/or simple at home labs are conducted for most chapters. Lab reports must be submitted, organizing data and answering questions for the experiment.

Course Outline

  • Introduction
  • Course Description
  • Course Links
  • Understanding Plagiarism
  • MLA Formatting MSWord 2007
  • MLA Documentation updates
  • MLA Citation
  • MLA Incorporating Sources
  • What is Culture
  • Culture and Society
  • Characteristics of Culture
  • Cultures Change
  • Our Own Culture
  • Methods for Learning About Culture
  • Ideal, Actual, and Believed Behavior
  • Gathering Data About Culture
  • Essay: Levels of Culture Essay
  • Quiz: Human Culture
  • Introudction
  • What is Language
  • Analysis of Language
  • Learning Language
  • Language and Thought Processes
  • Hidden Aspects
  • Tone and Character of Voice
  • Cultural Use of Space
  • Communicating with Clothes
  • Assignment: Language Assignment
  • Quiz: Language and Culture
  • Introuduction
  • Foraging
  • Pedestrian Foraging
  • Aquatic Foraging
  • Pastoralism
  • Pastoralist Personality Traits
  • Horticulture
  • Intensive Agriculture
  • Comparisons
  • Assignment: Patterns of Subsistence Assignment
  • Quiz: Patterns of Subsistence
  • Introuduction
  • Non-market Economies
  • Distribution and Exchange
  • Redistributive Exchanges
  • Essay: Reciprocity Essay
  • Quiz: Economic Systems
  • Introudction
  • Status and Role
  • Non-kinship Based Social Groups
  • Quiz: Social Organization
  • Overview
  • Descent Principles I
  • Cognatic Descent
  • Descent Principles II
  • Descent Groups
  • Kin Naming Systems I
  • Kin Naming Systems II
  • Assignment: Matrilineal Descent Assignment
  • Quiz: Kinship
  • Overview I
  • Restrictions
  • Overview II
  • Number of Births
  • Marriage Rules I
  • Spouses Permitted
  • Marriage Rules II
  • Residence Rules
  • Homosexuality
  • Assignment: Exogamy and Endogamy Assignment
  • Quiz: Sex and Marriage
  • Socialization
  • World-view
  • Personality Development
  • Rites of Passage
  • Quiz: Socialization
  • Overview
  • Nature of Ethnicity
  • Ethnic Identification
  • What are You
  • World Diversity Patterns
  • American Diversity Patterns
  • American Diversity Patterns II
  • Essay: World Diversity Essay
  • Quiz: Ethnicity and Race
  • Introduction
  • Bands and Tribes
  • Chiefdoms and States
  • Why We Give Up Bands
  • Quiz: Political Organization
  • Overview
  • Law
  • Warfare
  • Assignment: Social Control Worksheet
  • Quiz: Social Control
  • Overview
  • Common Elements
  • Religious Leaders
  • Trancing in Religion
  • Magic and Religion
  • Essay: Religion Essay
  • Quiz: Anthropology of Religon
  • Explanations of Illness
  • Susto
  • Curing Practices
  • Epidemiology
  • Culture Specific Diseases
  • Quiz: Medical Anthropology
  • Worksheet: Medical Anthropology Worksheet
  • Overview
  • Processes of Change
  • Acculturation I
  • Acculturation II
  • Acculturation III
  • Global Change
  • Quiz: Culture Change
  • Handout: Course Survey
  • Assignment: Course Survey