This course is designed to provide the student with a basic understanding of the important relationships of economics to our social and political problems. The course emphasizes the philosophy, development, and operation of our American economic system and its important influence upon the individual and society.
Interest and concern with economic issues top virtually every public opinion poll, but Gallup polls show an appalling lack of understanding of underlying economic concepts. The lack of economic literacy isn’t surprising. Seven out of ten adults in a recent survey stated that they had never had economics instruction in high school. Yet, of high school students interviewed in the survey, half reported taking steps in the previous six months to learn more about how our economy works. In addition, virtually all of those interviewed thought more economics ought to be taught in the nation’s schools. The National Council for the Social Studies recommends that all high school students take a course in economics before graduation. Nearly half of the states have just such a requirement. The new state standards for high school graduation includes testing on knowledge and skills in economics.
This economics course has two primary objectives. First of all, the class is designed to provide students with an overview of business, finance, banking, investment, government’s role in the economic system, labor-management relations, foreign trade, income inequality, and related fields. The knowledge and skills acquired will help the student make career decisions and make wise choices for further study at a college or vocational school. Students will gain insights into the advantages, disadvantages, and strategies of starting a business of one’s own.
The second major objective of the course is to provide each student with the knowledge and skills to do very well in any college or vocational school economics course. At least two courses in economics are required for most business majors and a host of non-business majors. The course is appealing to students who are interested in history, math, or contemporary issues. The course is designed for all students to be successful. For individuals wishing to prepare for the advanced placement exam, additional readings and/or assignments will be provided at the student’s option.