Online High School

Grade 11
English III

Grade 11 English III Course Outline

  • To help students understand the importance of historic context in literary analysis.
  • To expose students to a variety of literary genres to further their appreciation of literature.
  • To develop students’ vocabulary-building skills through the use of context clues and word origin/structure analysis.
  • To help students recognize and understand the use of a variety of literary elements (terms and techniques).
  • To enable students to respond to literature in a way that reflects intelligent and thoughtful analysis.
  • To develop students’ reading, writing, speaking, listening and critical thinking skills so that they may function effectively in any course at university level.
  • To help students create a body of written work (essay portfolio) that will facilitate the college application process.
  • To provide a wide range of learning opportunities, including daily and longer-term projects, in order that students of all ability levels may be able to reach their respective potentials and be successful.
  • To foster a classroom atmosphere that emphasizes the importance of respect for others’ opinions, beliefs and ways of being.


  • The student will review and practice grammar and punctuation.
  • The student will develop vocabulary.
  • The student will practice different types of essay writing.
  • The student will read critically, informatively, and for pleasure.

Reading literature and informational texts:

  • vocabulary
  • poetry
  • short stories
  • drama: Macbeth, Oedipus Rex and Antigone
  • novel: The Great Gatsby, The Scarlet Letter, and The Awakening
  • non-fiction essays and speeches


  • sentence structure
  • literary anaylsis essay
  • research-based essay

Speaking and Listening:

  • novel: Wuthering Heights and Frankenstein
  • non-fiction essays


  • sentence structure
  • creative writing
  • analysis essays

Speaking and Listening:

  • presentations

Language Usage:

  • writing and editing strategies parts of speech

Course Outline

  • Introduction
  • Course Description
  • Understanding Plagiarism
  • Pretest
  • Assignment: Pretest
  • MLA Formatting MSWord 2007
  • MLA Documentation updates
  • MLA Citation
  • MLA Incorporating Sources
  • Writing about Literature
  • Using the Right Words
  • Write your own Sentence #1
  • Worksheet: Write Your Own Sentence
  • Write your own Sentence #2
  • Write your own Sentence #3
  • Pronoun Reference
  • Assignment: Pronoun reference
  • Dangling modifiers
  • Worksheet: Modifiers
  • Subordination & Coordination
  • Assignment: Subordination & Coordination
  • Parallel Structure
  • Assignment: Parallel structure
  • Punctuation Review
  • Worksheet: Punctuation Review
  • Reading Strategies
  • How to Study and Active Reading
  • Study Different Materials
  • Whole Subject Documents
  • Connecting Words
  • Transition Words
  • Assignment: Lesson 5 – Transitional Devices
  • Worksheet: Transitional Words Worksheet
  • Avoid Comma Splices
  • Semicolons
  • Dependent or Subordinate Clause
  • Puritain legacy
  • Assignment: Puritan Influence on American Literature
  • Salem Witch Trials
  • Assignment: Witch trial letter
  • Essay: Witch trial evidence review
  • The Crucible
  • Handout: The Crucible Study Questions
  • Handout: The Crucible
  • Assignment: The Crucible Study Questions
  • Arthur Miller
  • Interpreting Quotations
  • Handout: Interpreting Quotations
  • Assignment: Interpreting Quotations
  • A variation on the topic
  • “Half-hanged Mary”
  • Assignment: The Crucible Poem
  • Worksheet: “Half-hanged Mary”
  • Literary Analysis
  • Handout: Literary Anaylsis outline
  • Assignment: Literary Analysis Outline
  • Assignment: Rough draft
  • Essay: Final Draft
  • Handout: Crucible Exam
  • Assignment: Crucible Exam
  • Making Connections
  • Thesis Statements
  • Guide to Writing Research Paper
  • Requirements
  • Procedure
  • Citation Formats
  • Thesis Statement/Outline
  • Sample Outline
  • Previewing, Skimming, Reading
  • Typing the Report
  • Citing Sources
  • Paraphrasing
  • Plagiarism
  • Standard Written English
  • Helpful Hints
  • McCarthyism links
  • Assignment: First Draft
  • Essay: Final Draft
  • Editing Strategies
  • Proofreading
  • Organization
  • Usage and Sentence Structure
  • Spelling
  • Worksheet: Editing Strategies Worksheet
  • Six Traits Analytical Writing Rubric
  • Worksheet: Analytical Writing Rubric Comprehension
  • Romanticism
  • Handout: Romanticism notes
  • Assignment: Romanticism quiz
  • Walt Whitman
  • Assignment: Whitman & Me Scrapbook
  • Nathaniel Hawthorne
  • The Scarlet Letter
  • Handout: Scarlet Letter Reading Guide
  • Worksheet: Scarlet Letter Review
  • Scarlet Letter Characters
  • Scarlet Letter Themes
  • Scarlet Letter: Chapter 12 activity
  • Essay: Chapter 12 essay
  • Symbolism Poster
  • Assignment: Symbolism poster
  • Scarlet Letter Final Assessment
  • Handout: Literary Analysis
  • Essay: Final Assessment
  • Transcendentalism
  • Handout: Transcendentalism notes
  • Civil Disobedience
  • Civil Disobedience: Rhetoric
  • Handout: Civil Disobedience questions
  • Assignment: Civil Disobedience questions
  • Midtest
  • Assignment: Midtest
  • Worksheet: Civil Disobedience worksheet
  • Listening and Evaluating
  • Assignment: Listening Comprehension Assignment
  • Non Verbal Communication
  • Assignment: Non-Verbal Communication Assignment
  • Language Evolution
  • Assignment: Split Infinitives
  • Playing with Style
  • Assignment: Reading Guide
  • Essay: Fable Re-writes
  • Realism & Naturalism
  • Handout: Realism &Naturalsim
  • Assignment: Realism & Naturalism
  • Women’s Suffrage
  • Assignment: Women’s Suffrage
  • Women’s Roles at the Turn of the Century
  • Essay: Women’s Roles
  • Charlotte Perkins Gilman
  • Handout: The Yellow Wallpaper
  • Worksheet: The Yellow Wallpaper
  • Assignment: The Yellow Wallpaper
  • Kate Chopin
  • Handout: The Awakening
  • Essay: The Awakening
  • Susan Glaspell
  • Worksheet: Trifles
  • Essay: Trifles comparison
  • Mary E. Wilkins Freeman
  • Worksheet: The Revolt of Mother Worksheet
  • Final Assessment
  • Handout: Literary Analysis Outline
  • Essay: Final Assessment
  • Modernism
  • Assignment: Modernism quiz
  • Life in the 1920s
  • Assignment: Life in the 1920s reflection
  • Robert Frost
  • Assignment: Reading Robert Frost
  • Assignment: Poem Presentation
  • Assignment: Audio
  • The Harlem Renaissance
  • Assignment: Harlem Renaissance quiz
  • Assignment: Langston Hughes
  • The Great Gatsby
  • Gatsby Activities
  • Handout: Gatsby Study Questions
  • Handout: Gatsby Final Assessment Handout
  • Essay: Gatsby: Reading Strategies
  • Assignment: Gatsby Study Questions
  • Essay: Character Essay
  • Final Assessment
  • Essay: Final Assessment
  • Other Voices in American Literature
  • Other Voices assignment #1
  • Essay: Assignment 1
  • Other Voices assignment #2
  • Assignment: Assignment 2
  • Other Voices assignment #3
  • Assignment: Assignment 3
  • Native American Literature links
  • Latino American Literature links
  • Asian American Literature links
  • African American Literature links
  • Post-test
  • Assignment: Post-test
  • Course Survey
  • Handout: Course Survey
  • Assignment: Course Survey