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How To Make Up High School Credits With Online Homeschooling?
Improving students’ grades has been a growing concern in the United States. Parents and teachers alike have been extremely worried over the increasing number of high school dropouts. So far, no other solution apart from online homeschools seems to have come close to resolving this issue. It is absolutely vital we deal with this issue as a top priority since this phenomenon can have a drastic, cascading effect on our society. While that may seem a little dramatic, it is important to note that there is a lot of truth to that statement. The costs associated with this can prove to be staggering and the results can have a catastrophic impact on the growth of a nation’s economy. When you look at the big picture of how things might actually turn out in the long run, it isn’t pretty at all, and the time to act is now.
Although homeschooling isn’t really a new concept to us, online homeschools have taken the education world by storm and seem to be all set to revolutionize it with the help of new-age information technology. While there have been significant advances in education, nothing seems to have created ripples like virtual learning platforms have in the last few years. One of the significant reasons for the increasing adoption of such platforms is its usefulness in helping students with credit recovery courses. Students without a high school diploma are known to earn much lesser than their counterparts who graduate high school and considerably lesser than the ones who graduate college. As a result, students who drop out are more likely to be unable to support themselves and therefore more likely than college graduates to be unemployed. The resulting impact on taxpayers can be devastating. While research studies support high-interest levels among elementary and middle school students toward graduating high school and going on to college, there are a number of reasons why they never seem to get there.
Several students report that their secondary school experiences cause them to gradually disengage from their academic pursuits. It is this concern that educators are trying to address with the help of virtual learning schools. While personal problems and other priorities are cited as a few of the reasons, the most common cause for disengagement has been reported to be boredom or a general disinterest. There are several disastrous impacts of such disengagement on the part of students. The financial impact, in particular, includes the cost of lost income on account of lack of necessary education as well as costs associated with publicly funded healthcare, prison stays and other services. Moreover, the impact of losing out on possible contributions to the growth of a nation’s economy, especially in terms of GDP, will certainly percolate right down to the grassroots of any nation’s economy.
The costs in terms of lost high school diplomas are just too high to let go and pinning them on something as trivial as boredom is a challenge that we can certainly overcome. Online homeschools have certainly helped educators make considerable progress in this aspect. A closer look at results derived from recently conducted studies reveals that over 60 percent of students who eventually ended up dropping out of high school failed at least 25 percent of their credits in the ninth grade. Based on recent statistics, virtual learning has certainly proved to be an extremely effective strategy in helping improve overall graduation rates in the country. Based on inputs from guidance counselors, school principals and administrators, the entire process of dropping out seems to be a slow process of increasing disengagement. This common cause of boredom is what most academicians seem to be trying to address via online learning platforms.
The potential opportunities associated with such online platforms can be limitless. By helping students study online, such avenues provide access to an extremely engaging platform that allows students to proceed with their course material at their own pace. The flexibility it offers is unparalleled by any other learning solution currently available. Such learning environments have been very instrumental in helping students improve their grades by earning the credits they need. In fact, helping them secure a high school diploma is just one of the significant benefits associated with learning online.
There is absolutely no denying that improving overall student graduation rates is a critical objective. Parents, educators, policymakers and even politicians certainly seem to agree on this. We are currently at a critical junction where any strategy that helps us achieve this particular objective warrants closer attention. Evaluating the potential of online homeschools and the kind of opportunities they present us with is absolutely essential if we are to succeed in our endeavors. Not only does helping our students graduate benefit them but it also benefits us as a society. There are numerous advantages to adopting e-learning as an alternative mode of education. It’s not just in terms of the flexibility but the costs involved to make it a much more viable alternative. Both parents and teachers have reported positive results with the implementation of K-12 courses.
Students who have taken up online K-12 courses either as stand-alone options or as hybrid programs along with their regular course curriculum have shown remarkable improvement in their overall grades. This has been very reassuring especially in cases where parents have been apprehensive towards the entire process of studying online. In addition to the flexibility offered, students and parents are provided with additional benefits including the convenience of scheduling study time according to their own timetables and elimination of the need to travel. Furthermore, since all communication is carried out online, students and teachers can interact in real-time irrespective of geographic location, thereby facilitating faster response times. Scheduling PTA meetings too, has become extremely easy via the internet. Combine that with other communication options such as email and web chats, and you’ve got the perfect platform to monitor your child’s progress on a real-time basis. What more could you ask for?