Benefits of Online Education for a High School Student

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Will online school education benefit me? This is one of the most common questions asked by students and parents when they think about enrolling for an online school course. The answer to that question is – Absolutely!

Whether you’re planning to take on an independent course or would rather go in for a hybrid solution (one that allows you to enroll for an online course without giving up on your traditional schooling), the truth is you stand to gain no matter what. Online K-12 schools in the United States that offer you schooling with wide range of online school courses in a flexible learning environment and give access to different online learning platforms have helped changed the face of education for the better in our country. Not only that, there are a select few online high schools in the US that even accept students from abroad, which just goes to show you how far and wide online education has spread.

Our counselors have spent numerous sessions with students trying to explain how different an online learning environment really is and how one stands to gain by opting for one.

There are several ways in which one stands to gain in adapting to a virtual learning environment.


For a long time, the quality of education children receive has been determined by the socioeconomic status of their parents and the location of their residence. This has always been a primary reason for the covetousness of particular neighborhoods. If you live in a great neighborhood then you usually have access to some of the best facilities like great schools, good hospitals, public services etc. but what about those who show promise of excellence but lack the social status or means to access some of the best quality teachers?

An online K-12 school in the US has been the solution to this age-old issue. When you attend an online school you have access to all their teachers irrespective of where you live. Also, the level of affordability offered by an online school makes it a very viable solution for children from diverse economic backgrounds. Self paced online homeschooling has now made it possible for students to have access to some of the best teachers in the country without any differentiation on the basis of socioeconomic factors. It also helps address the issue of shortage of skilled teachers.

There are quite a few schools in the country that have been forced to discontinue certain subjects due to the lack of well-qualified teachers. However, with the help of online learning platforms, geographic locations no longer play any role in limiting educational possibilities. Students from anywhere in the country can interact and exchange information with teachers residing anywhere else in the country. This makes it a lot easier for online schools to hire licensed teachers they may not have access to in their own vicinity.


Contrary to traditional schooling, online home schools offer you the opportunity to schedule your study time according to your own convenience. This helps students in more ways than one. For starters, students no longer are confined to rigid study schedules that are imposed upon them. They have the freedom to choose when to study, which when properly supervised and monitored can actually stimulate the learning process for them. Children love sitting down with their books when they aren’t thrust upon them.

One of the key advantages of having the freedom offered by online learning environments is that this opens up room for taking on extracurricular activities. Children are free to explore other avenues like sports and music, activities that the rigorous schedule of traditional schooling may not allow. Moreover, the option of having all your course material online provides you with access to your school at absolutely any time and any place. It doesn’t really matter whether it’s snowing or raining outside; you can always snuggle up to your computer in the comfort of your own home, an option many students look forward to.

Online K-12 schools are especially preferred by students whose parents travel a lot such as those from the army or those with jobs that require them to be in different places. In such cases, distance education provides them with very feasible alternatives. The biggest advantage of online education is that children (and parents) no longer have to deal with the painful ordeal of leaving behind friends and having to make new ones every time they move. With social networking facilities integrated into virtual learning environments they can now stay in touch no matter where there move to.


Apart from being teachers, many professionals are also parents themselves and would love to have extra time to spend with their families. This is something only online education can provide. Teachers too, can enjoy the freedom of scheduling their assessments around their personal lives, and with virtual environments being available online they can even opt to interact with students from home. The amount of time saved on traveling definitely makes this a very lucrative alternative for most teachers with parental responsibilities.

Being able to interact with different students in different ways also helps a teacher be more productive. While traditional schooling employs a ‘one-size-fits-all’ sort of methodology, delivering education via online solutions makes it a lot more convenient to ‘customize’ solutions and tailor-make them to suit each child’s individual learning capacity. This works out to the advantage of students as well who would otherwise probably have ended up being labeled as mischief-makers. These are the ones who tend to be some of the brightest; they just need to be encouraged in a different manner.

Teachers also have access to more career options via online schools without worrying about having to pick up and move. A licensed, well-qualified teacher would have the option of teaching different students from around the country without having to leave her own home!
That’s the power of technology today, and it would serve us well to leverage it to the hilt to better the lives of our children and those responsible for educating them as well. Earn the benefits of the Online Schooling by enrolling into the regionally and nationally accredited online school.

Join Forest Trail Academy today and start learning on your own time and at your own pace.