5 Ways Tech is Revolutionizing Education

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5 Ways Tech is Revolutionizing Education 1

In the present era, everything is digitized! Most of the students are technophiles right from a young age. Socialization takes place mostly on the internet as well. Thus, technology is the king!

Technology has become a prominent part of learning in most of the educational institutions, be it schools, colleges, universities or any form of the training program. Most of the schools and colleges issue thousands of laptops to students in a 1:1 implementation. This often leads to a better overall performance of the students.

The present-age educator knows how essential it is to keep students engaged for a long time period. Teachers make it a point that common technology like laptops, smartphones, and iPads are used in the classroom. Since today’s students grow up with all this technology, schools need to change with the times as well. Educational institutions need to adapt to the way students learn best.


Education not limited to the classroom
Thanks to the advent of mobiles and ipads, students no longer need to rely only on their computers. With these highly efficient portable devices, students can explore more from wherever and whenever.

In case students get a bunch of assignments, they can work on it inside their classroom, at home, while waiting on the bus, in the recess etc. Thus, it is pretty evident that mobile technology can a good balance between classroom and home learning.

Less reliability on fat textbooks
Due to the use of mobile devices in the classroom, eBooks are becoming pretty popular these days. The best part is that ebooks are cheaper, some even being free. Also, these are more up-to-date, more accessible, and more interactive as well. Thus, ebooks score big when compared to those fat textbooks.

Evolution of teachers and students
Due to the avid use of technology in the present-day classroom, the traditional student and teacher roles have changed to a great extent. The student has become a pro-active. He does not wait to be spoon-fed anymore. He has already started taking ownership of his own future career. Thus, the very mentality of students has changed for good. The teacher strives hard to make the students more and more engaged so that there is no room for boredom. Thus, they try to make the classes more interactive in multiple innovative ways. It can be said that the teacher has become more of a facilitator these days.

Collaborative forms of classroom
The modern classroom is all about collaboration. This is where technology comes into the picture. It helps to empower the collaboration factor! With the help of advanced technology, students can collaborate with other students and their teachers in and outside of the classroom quickly and easily.


Technology brings a whole new bunch of multimedia formats. This makes it possible for schools, mainly online schools, to impart education via several formats to cater to the needs of various types of young learners. Lessons can be customized well to fit each student’s progress and learning pattern. Thanks to these learning tools, educators can provide opportunities for students to be able to work at their own level.

Thus, it can be easily concluded that mobile technology in the classrooms is enriching education in many possible ways. In the classroom, technology is changing the very face of conventional education. And it is a good thing. After all, the needs of students are also changing with every passing year, mainly due to the high level of competition in every possible field. Basic courses are not enough for students to ensure a bright career for themselves. They need to have extra degrees and skills in order to stand out. In order to land a really good job, they need to own a solid resume that can happen only when they show genuine interest in going out of the box by opting for exclusive courses. Technology has made it a lot easier for students to pursue such courses.

Since most of the traditional schools usually do not provide most of the exclusive or advanced courses, students can enroll part-time or full-time in a reputed and accredited online high school to pursue the same. Online schools are all about technology. There is no denying that! Thus, the student needs to know at least the basics of technology in order to do well and make use of all the smart online tools and resources provided to them.

There may be some schools that have not implemented a plan to integrate mobile devices on the school wireless network. They certainly need to go for different options to do so.


The flexibility of online learning is to die for. Every present-age student is aware of that! It is no longer about physical locations but about maximizing the flexibility in time and space. Students, as well as instructors, prefer scheduling flexibility. This is because around flexibility, real life can happen more easily. Students, as well as teachers, can juggle their other duties with their academic duties. Complete degrees are possible at all levels.

Also, the technology of the internet has impacted how content is being organized and delivered. Also, it has changed how content is altered and processed by students.

The social media has played a huge role here. It has brought about multiple opportunities for real-time connections. However, the asynchronous form of education is still providing flexibility. The advent of social media has also impacted the form and level of communication. Effective communication is taking place easily and quickly. This is building up student’s expectations as well.


There have been many latest technologies that have impacted the evolution of online learning. Some of the most popular e-learning trends include mobile learning, gamification, video-based training, competency-based learning, and big data.

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