Online High School


Zoology Course Outline

The course gives an introduction to zoology, with particular emphasis on the morphology and systematics of both vertebrates and invertebrates. In addition, the students should acquire basic knowledge in ethology, evolution, and human ecology (including an introduction to the biosphere and biodiversity).

Zoology is a course that will survey the nine major phyla of the kingdom Animalia. Zoology is the study of animal life. Zoologists research everything they think to ask about animals, including their anatomy and interrelationships, their physiology and genetics, and their distributions and habitats. Human beings have been zoologists for as long as there have been human beings. As humans, we are intricately tied to animal life – we’ve depended on many of them for food, work, and friendship throughout our evolution and history….not to mention that we ARE animals!

Materials needed for class:

You will be completing all work online, however, you will be required to complete all readings and submit all assignments throughout the course.

Grading System:

A-100%-90%, B-89%-80%, C-79%-70%, D-69%-60%, F-Below 60%


Your final grade will be comprised of Exams, Activities, Projects and Handouts that we will be completing throughout the course online.

In order to receive the best grade possible and to obtain all requirements for the course, please follow the steps listed below:

  • Complete each lesson, in order, as they are presented.
  • Read the lesson and view any additional material the teacher provides (videos, links, etc.).
  • Complete each assignment, as they appear, within the lesson. Do not skip assignments. This includes any essays, worksheets, projects, or lab activities.
  • After reading all material for the lesson and obtaining a completed status on all work, proceed to the lesson’s quiz.
  • Finally, upon finishing the entire course and completing all assignments, projects, essays, labs, quizzes, etc., take and submit the course survey.


Quizzes will be given after each lesson is completed. There is no time limit on completing each lesson, however, you cannot continue to the next lesson until you have completed the Quiz for that lesson. The quiz will cover concepts that were presented in that lesson.

Course Outline

  • Course Description
  • Introduction
  • Course Links
  • MLA Formatting Word 2007
  • MLA Documentation updates
  • MLA Citation
  • MLA Incorporating Sources
  • Understanding Plagiarism
  • What is Science?
  • Scientific Methodology
  • Graphing Data
  • Types of Graphs
  • The Application of Science
  • Chemical Basis of Life
  • Organic Compounds: Chemistry of Life
  • Carbohydrates
  • Lipids
  • Proteins
  • Nucleic AcidsHandout: Organic Compounds
  • Assignment: Organic Compounds12- Photosynthesis
  • Cellular RespirationHandout: Photosynthesis vs. Cellular Respiration
  • Assignment: Photosynthesis vs. Cellular RespirationQuiz: Chemical Basis of Life
  • The History of the Cell Theory
  • Eukaryotic and Prokaryotic Cells
  • Cell Structure and Function of Animal Cells
  • Cell Structure and Function of Plant Cells
  • Differences Between Animal and Plant Cells
  • Movement through the Cell
  • Passive Transport
  • Active TransportHandout: Cell Structure and Function
  • Assignment: Cell Structure and FunctionQuiz: Cell Biology Quiz
  • Histology of Bone TissueHandout: Histology of Bone
  • Assignment: Histology of Bone2- The Human Brain
  • Circulation
  • Respiratory System
  • Vertebrate Sensory OrgansHandout: Vertebrate Sensory Organs
  • Assignment: Vertebrate Sensory Organs6- Vertebrate Integumentary SystemHandout: Vertebrate Integumentary System
  • Assignment: Vertebrate Integumentary SystemQuiz: Anatomy and Physiology Quiz
  • The Theory of Evolution
  • Evidence to Support Evolution
  • Hominid Evolution
  • Darwin and Natural SelectionHandout: The Fossil Evidence for Evolution
  • Assignment: The Fossil Evidence for EvolutionQuiz: Evolution Quiz
  • Abiotic Factors
  • Biotic FactorsHandout: Abiotic vs. Biotic Factors
  • Assignment: Abiotic vs. Biotic Factors3- Interruptions in an EcosystemHandout: Invasive Species
  • Assignment: Invasive Species4- Relationships Among OrganismsHandout: Symbiotic Relationships
  • Assignment: Symbiotic RelationshipsQuiz: Ecology Quiz
  • Taxonomy
  • Linnaeus’ System of Classification
  • Kingdoms of Life
  • Kingdom Monera: Archaebacteria and Eubacteria
  • Kingdom Protista
  • Kingdom Fungi
  • Kingdom Plantae
  • Kingdom AnimaliaHandout: Directional Terms
  • Handout: Animal Symmetry
  • Assignment: Directional Terms
  • Assignment: Animal SymmetryQuiz: Classification and Kingdoms Quiz
  • What is a Porifera?Handout: Investigating Sponges
  • Assignment: Investigating Sponges2- Form and Function in PoriferaHandout: Sponges
  • Assignment: SpongesQuiz: Porifera Quiz
  • What is a Cnidaria?
  • Form and Function in Cnidaria
  • Groups of CnidariaHandout: Cnidarian Vocabulary
  • Handout: Cnidarian Word Scramble
  • Assignment: Cnidarian Vocabulary
  • Assignment: Cnidarian Word ScrambleQuiz: Cnidaria Quiz
  • What is a Platyhelminthes?
  • Form and Function in Platyhelminthes
  • Groups of PlatyhelminthesHandout: Flatworms
  • Handout: Platyhelminthes Blood Fluke Investigation
  • Assignment: Flatworms
  • Assignment: Platyhelminthes Blood Fluke InvestigationQuiz: Platyhelminthes Quiz
  • What is a Nematoda?
  • Form and Function in Nematoda
  • Roundworms and Human DiseasesHandout: Roundworm Threats
  • Assignment: Roundworm ThreatsQuiz: Nematoda Quiz
  • What is a Mollusk?
  • Form and Function in Mollusks
  • Groups of MollusksHandout: Mollusks
  • Handout: Types of Mollusks
  • Handout: Mollusk Population Survey
  • Handout: Mollusk Concept Map
  • Handout: Snail Anatomy
  • Assignment: Mollusks
  • Assignment: Types of Mollusks
  • Assignment: Four Types of Mollusks
  • Assignment: Mollusk Population Survey
  • Assignment: Mollusk Concept Map
  • Assignment: Snail AnatomyQuiz: Mollusca Quiz
  • Assignment: Roundworm ThreatsQuiz: Nematoda Quiz
  • What is an Annelida?
  • Form and Function in AnnelidsHandout: Annelida Anatomy
  • Assignment: Annelida Anatomy
  • Groups of Annelids
  • Handout: Annelida Word Game
  • Assignment: Annelida Word Game
  • Quiz: Annelida Quiz
  • What is an Arthropod?
  • Form and Function in Arthropods
  • Groups of Arthropods – Crustaceans
  • Handout: Investigating Crustaceans
  • Assignment: Investigating Crustaceans
  • Groups of Arthropods – Chelicerates
  • Handout: Studying Spider Webs
  • Assignment: Studying Spider Webs
  • Groups of Arthropods – Uniramians
  • Insects
  • Handout: Arthropod Word Search
  • Handout: Arthropod Vocabulary
  • Assignment: Arthropod Word Search
  • Assignment: Arthropod Vocabulary
  • Quiz: Arthropod Quiz
  • What is an Echinoderm?
  • Form and Function in Echinoderms
  • Groups of Echinoderms
  • Handout: Echinoderm Vocabulary
  • Handout: Echinoderms
  • Handout: Groups of Echinoderms
  • Assignment: Echinoderm Vocabulary
  • Assignment: Echinoderms
  • Assignment: Groups of Echinoderms
  • Quiz: Echinodermata Quiz
  • Quiz: Zoology Mid-Term
  • What is a Fish?
  • Form and Function in Fish
  • Groups of Fish – Jawless
  • Groups of Fish – Chondrichthyes
  • Groups of Fish – Osteichthyes
  • Handout: Fish Anatomy
  • Handout: Fish Crossword Puzzle
  • Handout: Fish True and False
  • Assignment: Fish Anatomy
  • Assignment: Fish Crossword Puzzle
  • Assignment: Fish True and False
  • Quiz: Fish Quiz
  • What is an Amphibian?
  • Form and Function in Amphibians
  • Handout: Form and Function in Amphibians
  • Handout: Amphibian Form and Function
  • Assignment: Form and Function in Amphibians
  • Assignment: Amphibian Form and Function
  • Groups of Amphibians
  • Handout: Frog vs. Toad
  • Assignment: Frog vs. Toad
  • The Decline of Amphibians
  • Handout: Mississippi Gopher Frog
  • Assignment: Mississippi Gopher Frog
  • Quiz: Amphibian Quiz
  • What is a Reptile?
  • Form and Function in Reptiles
  • Handout: Reptile Crossword Puzzle
  • Assignment: Reptile Crossword Puzzle
  • Groups of Reptiles
  • Handout: Extreme Reptiles: The Tuatara
  • Assignment: Extreme Reptiles: The Tuatara
  • Quiz: Reptile Quiz
  • What is a Bird?
  • Handout: Bird Feathers
  • Assignment: Bird Feathers
  • Form, Function, and Flight
  • Handout: Bird Beaks
  • Handout: Bird Vocabulary Word Search
  • Assignment: Bird Beaks
  • Assignment: Bird Vocabulary Word Search
  • Groups of Birds
  • Handout: Groups of Birds
  • Assignment: Groups of Birds
  • The Mechanism of Flight in Birds
  • Quiz: Birds Quiz
  • What is a Mammal?
  • Form and Function in Mammals
  • Diversity of Mammals
  • Handout: Diversity of Mammals
  • Assignment: Diversity of Mammals
  • Quiz: Mammals Quiz
  • Quiz: Zoology Final Exam
  • Handout: End of Course Evaluation
  • Assignment: End of Course Evalution.