Online Elementary School

Grade 2

Grade 2 English Course Outline

This course follows the Common Core State Standards for 2nd grade English.

Reading skills are developed and enhanced so that students are able to answer and ask questions such as who, what, where, why, and when about a story. Students will develop an understanding of how the rhythm, structure, and points of view add meaning to a story. Writing skills will also be improved, as students will be asked to state and support opinions, explain how to complete a task, and tell a story with written word. A student’s use of the English language will be improved upon by having the student practice using collective nouns, irregular plural nouns, adjectives, and adverbs. Students will be asked to remember conventions dealing with capitalization, comma usage, apostrophe usage, and spelling patterns when writing.

By the end of the course students should have developed better speaking and listening skills, such as building on others’ comments in conversations, asking questions about what a speaker says, being able to tell a story in front of others, and providing complete sentences when asked to clarify a thought or idea. The students should be able to mentally add or subtract numbers in tens or hundreds. Third, the students will learn to use standard units of measurement. They will learn to understand why standard units are important and will practice using rulers and other tools for measurement. Fourth, the students will become proficient at describing and analyzing shapes by counting their numbers of sides and angles. Analyzing two- and three-dimensional shapes to provide a foundation for understanding area, volume, similarity, and symmetry.

Course Outline

  • Welcome
  • Course Description
  • Assessments
  • Pretest
  • Assignment: Pretest
  • Vocabulary Introduction and Words 1
  • Handout: Vocabulary Words 1
  • Handout: Vocabulary Words 1
  • Quiz: Vocabulary Definitions 1
  • Vocabulary: Short and Long Vowel Sounds
  • Grammar: Nouns
  • Grammar: Plural Nouns
  • Handout: Nouns
  • Assignment: Nouns
  • Reading: Charlotte’s Web
  • Writing: Charlotte’s Web Journal
  • Handout: Charlotte’s Web Reading Journal
  • Assignment: Chalotte’s Web Reading Journal
  • Speaking and Listening: How to be a Good Listener and Speaker
  • Vocabulary Words 2
  • Handout: Vocabulary Words 2
  • Assignment: Vocabulary Words 2
  • Quiz: Vocabulary Definitions
  • Vocabulary: Final -e Sound
  • Grammar: Collective Nouns
  • Grammar: Simple Sentences
  • Reading: Baby Farm Animals
  • Reading: Moving Out Day
  • Assignment: Moving Out Day Recording
  • Reading: Moving In Day
  • Reading: Boxes, Books and More
  • Reading: No Boxes Today
  • Worksheet: Emily Moves
  • Speaking and Listening: Asking Questions
  • Vocabulary Words 3
  • Handout: Vocabulary Words 3
  • Assignment: Vocabulary Words 3
  • Quiz: Vocabulary Definitions 3
  • Vocabulary: When Two Vowels Go Walking
  • Grammar: Proper Nouns
  • Grammar: Proper and Common Nouns
  • Handout: Proper and Plural Nouns
  • Assignment: Plural and Proper Nouns
  • Reading Mini Lesson: Context Clues
  • Reading: Sarah, Plain and Tall
  • Handout: Sarah, Plain and Tall Reading Journal
  • Assignment: Sarah, Plain and Tall Reading Journal
  • Reading: Busy Bee
  • Essay: Busy Bee
  • Writing: About a Bug
  • Essay: About a Bug
  • Speaking and Listening: Busy Bees
  • Vocabulary Words 4
  • Handout: Vocabulary Words 4
  • Assignment: Vocabulary Words 4
  • Quiz: Vocabulary Definitions 4
  • Vocabulary: 2 letters, 1 sound
  • Grammar: Commas
  • Reading: Afternoon Art
  • Assignment: Afternoon Art Recording
  • Reading: Art Museum
  • Worksheet: Afternoon Art
  • Speaking and Listening: Retell a Story
  • Vocabulary Words 5
  • Handout: Vocabulary Words 5
  • Assignment: Vocabulary Words 5
  • Quiz: Vocabulary Definitions 5
  • Grammar: Reflexive Pronoun
  • Grammar: Object Pronouns
  • Handout: Pronouns
  • Assignment: Pronouns
  • Reading: At the Gym
  • Reading Mini Lesson: And the Moral of the Story is…
  • Reading: Tops and Bottoms
  • Writing: Tops and Bottoms Reading Journal
  • Handout: Tops and Bottoms Reading Journal
  • Assignment: Tops and Bottoms Reading Journal
  • Writing: A Story With a Moral
  • Assignment: Story with a Moral
  • Speaking and Listening: Morals
  • Vocabulary Words 6
  • Handout: Vocabulary Words 6
  • Assignment: Vocabulary Words 6
  • Quiz: Vocabulary Definitions
  • Grammar: Verbs
  • Grammar: Verbs in Past Time
  • Grammar: Verbs “be” and “have”
  • Grammar: Irregular Verbs
  • Handout: Verbs
  • Assignment: Verbs
  • Reading: A Case for Cats
  • Reading: Cats Long Ago
  • Reading: Choose a Cat
  • Worksheet: Cat Stories
  • Essay: Cat Stories Questions
  • Assignment: Cat Stories Recording
  • Writing: A Pet
  • Essay: A Pet
  • Speaking and Listening: A Pet
  • Vocabulary Words 7
  • Handout: Vocabulary Words 7
  • Assignment: Vocabulary Words 7
  • Quiz: Vocabulary Definitions 7
  • Vocabulary: Shades of Meaning
  • Grammar: Possessive Nouns
  • Grammar: Possessive Pronouns
  • Handout: Possessive Nouns and Pronouns
  • Assignment: Possessive Nouns and Pronouns
  • Reading Mini Lesson: Fiction or Nonfiction?
  • Reading: Class Show
  • Assignment: Class Show Recording
  • Reading: A Drop of Water
  • Handout: A Drop of Water KWL Chart
  • Assignment: A Drop of Water KWL Chart
  • Reading Mini Lesson: KWL Charts Review
  • Vocabulary Words 8
  • Handout: Vocabulary Words 8
  • Assignment: Vocabulary Words 8
  • Quiz: Vocabulary Definitions 8
  • Vocabulary Mini Lesson: Prefixes
  • Grammar: Adjectives
  • Grammar: Adverbs
  • Grammar: Adjectives vs. Adverbs
  • Reading: Rainy Day
  • Reading: Blue Whales
  • Reading: Why Does it Rain?
  • Reading: Rainy Days and Rainbows
  • Assignment: Rainy Days and Rainbows
  • Worksheet: Rain
  • Writing: A Storm in the Sky!
  • Essay: Storm in the Sky
  • Speaking and Listening: A Storm in the Sky!
  • Vocabulary Words 9
  • Handout: Vocabulary Words 9
  • Assignment: Vocabulary Words 9
  • Worksheet: Vocabulary Definitions 9
  • Vocabulary: Rhyming Words
  • Quiz: Rhyming Words
  • Grammar: Abbreviations
  • Handout: Abbreviations
  • Assignment: Abbreviations
  • Reading: Cinderella Stories
  • Reading: Who Has Seen the Wind?
  • Writing: Poem
  • Assignment: Poem
  • Speaking and Listening: Poem
  • Assignment: Poem Recording
  • Midtest
  • Assignment: Midtest
  • Vocabulary Words 10
  • Handout: Vocabulary Words 10
  • Assignment: Vocabulary Words 10
  • Worksheet: Vocabulary Definitions 10
  • Vocabulary: Root Words
  • Grammar: Contractions
  • Grammar: Negative Contractions
  • Grammar: Contractions and Double Negatives
  • Handout: Contractions and Double Negatives
  • Assignment: Contractions and Double Negatives
  • Reading: To the Zoo
  • Reading: Zebras News
  • Reading: Tiger Tips
  • Reading: Only Owls
  • Worksheet: At the Zoo
  • Writing: To the Zoo
  • Essay: Writing: To the Zoo
  • Speaking and Listening: To the Zoo
  • Vocabulary Words 11
  • Handout: Vocabulary Words 11
  • Assignment: Vocabulary Words 11
  • Worksheet: Vocabulary Definitions 11
  • Grammar: Sentences
  • Grammar: Questions and Statements
  • Grammar: Writing Questions
  • Grammar: The “wh” Question Words
  • Handout: Questions and “Wh”
  • Assignment: Questions and “Wh”
  • Reading: Poppleton in the Winter
  • Handout: Poppleton Reading Journal
  • Assignment: Poppleton Reading Journal
  • Vocabulary Words 12
  • Handout: Vocabulary Words 12
  • Assignment: Vocabulary Words 12
  • Worksheet: Vocabulary Definitions 12
  • Vocabulary: Compound Words
  • Quiz: Compound Words
  • Grammar: Exclamations!
  • Grammar: Commands
  • Handout: Exclamations and Commands
  • Assignment: Exclamations and Commands
  • Reading: One City Block
  • Reading: What is a City?
  • Worksheet: Life in the City
  • Assignment: Yard Sale Recording
  • Reading: Yard Sale Day
  • Writing: Where You Live
  • Essay: Where You Live
  • Vocabulary Words 13
  • Handout: Vocabulary Words 13
  • Assignment: Vocabulary Words 13
  • Worksheet: Vocabulary Definitions 13
  • Grammar: Subject and Predicate
  • Grammar: Making the Subject Grow
  • Grammar: Subject and Predicate Agreement
  • Handout: Subject and Predicate
  • Assignment: Subject and Predicate
  • Reading: Time for School
  • Assignment: Time For School Recording
  • Reading: The Story of Ruby Bridges
  • Handout: Ruby Bridges KWL Chart
  • Assignment: Ruby Bridges KWL Chart
  • Writing: The Story of Ruby Bridges Journal
  • Handout: The Story of Ruby Bridges Journal
  • Assignment: The Story of Ruby Bridges Journal
  • Speaking and Listening: Ruby Bridges
  • Vocabulary Words 14
  • Handout: Vocabulary Words 14
  • Assignment: Vocabulary Words 14
  • Worksheet: Vocabulary Definitions 14
  • Grammar: Sending a Letter
  • Grammar: Parts of a Letter
  • Grammar: Envelopes
  • Grammar: Invitations
  • Reading: A Letter From Kyle
  • Reading: Kyle Gets Mail
  • Worksheet: Writing a Letter
  • Writing: A Letter
  • Assignment: A Letter
  • Speaking and Listening: A Letter
  • Vocabulary Words 15
  • Handout: Vocabulary Words 15
  • Assignment: Vocabulary Words 15
  • Worksheet: Vocabulary Definitions 15
  • Grammar: Sentence in Order
  • Quiz: Sequences
  • Reading: How a Seed Grows
  • Handout: How a Seed Grows KWL Chart
  • Assignment: How A Seed Grows KWL Chart
  • Reading: From Seed to Plant
  • Handout: From Seed to Plant KWL Chart
  • Assignment: From Seed to Plant KWL Chart
  • Worksheet: Comparing Two Books
  • Writing: Sequence
  • Assignment: Sequence
  • Speaking and Listening: Sequence
  • Vocabulary Words 16
  • Handout: Vocabulary Words 16
  • Assignment: Vocabulary Words 16
  • Worksheet: Vocabulary Definitions 16
  • Vocabulary: Connections
  • Grammar: Adding Where and When
  • Reading Mini Lesson: Reasons
  • Reading: Parts of a Plant
  • Reading: In the Garden
  • Assignment: In the Garden Recording
  • Activity: Making Flowers
  • Writing: Plant Research Paper
  • Assignment: Plant Research Paper
  • Speaking and Listening: Plant Research
  • Vocabulary Words 17
  • Handout: Vocabulary Words 17
  • Assignment: Vocabulary Words 17
  • Worksheet: Vocabulary Definitions 17
  • Grammar: Paragraphs
  • Essay: Writing a Paragraph
  • Grammar: Main Ideas of a Paragraph
  • Grammar: Outlines
  • Handout: Paragraph and Topic Sentence
  • Assignment: Paragraph and Topic Sentence
  • Reading: About the Moon
  • Reading: Moonshot: The Flight of Apollo 11
  • Handout: Moonshot KWL
  • Assignment: Moonshot KWL
  • Writing: Research Paper
  • Assignment: First Draft Research Paper
  • Assignment: Final Draft Research Paper
  • Vocabulary Words 18
  • Handout: Vocabulary Words 18
  • Assignment: Vocabulary Words 18
  • Worksheet: Vocabulary Definitions 18
  • Vocabulary: Figurative Language
  • Reading: A Medieval Feast
  • Handout: A Medieval Feast KWL
  • Assignment: A Medieval Feast KWL
  • Essay: A Special Event
  • Speaking and Listening: Big Event
  • Post-test
  • Assignment: Post-test
  • Handout: Course Evalulation
  • Assignment: Course Evaluation