Why You Should Switch from Homeschooling to Online School?

There are some basic reasons to switch from homeschooling to an online school. These are: Online schools provide you with...

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Why You Should Switch from Homeschooling to Online School?

There are some basic reasons to switch from homeschooling to an online school. These are:

  • Online schools provide you with a structured curriculum
    For many students and parents who are homeschooling, a major challenge is to choose curriculum and materials. There are many students who tend to spend hours searching catalogs and going through various reviews of the latest resources for homeschooling purposes. Many a times, students and parents are not really certain as to which curriculum would be suitable for them.
    In an online school, students are already provided with a well-designed and structured online curriculum. Most online schools use a state-approved curriculum which is professionally developed by professors and educators. Certainly, this enables many parents and students to save a good deal of money for homeschooling parents. After all, curriculum materials can be highly expensive.
  • Online schools offer flexibility

    There are many online schools that offer a highly accountable structure that is mapped out for every semester. This pretty much includes assignment due dates and a basic grading system. There are many families who have the flexibility to come up with an unconventional regular school schedule. Attending online school from home is a highly efficient use of time. It enables many children to take part in the things that they love. It also enables them to accomplish their set of academic goals. It allows them to come up with a schedule that works best for them and the family.

  • Online schools provide the support of faculty
    At the time of homeschooling, it can become frustrating when your child no longer accepts your praise or advice about their set of papers. The loss of credibility is one of the factors that can cause you to believe that an outside educator who is offering feedback on your children’s written work can be a better option.

    An online school provides the right form of access to various certified teachers who offer instruction, support and grading through various real-time classroom sessions, email correspondence, and telephone conversations. When students take online classes, parents are not required to create their own lesson plans or grade tests. Also, they need not play the role of teachers. Still, they can be well-involved in the learning experience of their children, if they wish. Thus, online schools certainly provide a good deal of freedom to students as well as parents when it comes to learning.

  • Online school offers grade-level appropriate learning materials

    When you have a prepared curriculum that suits your specific academic needs and objectives, it can be a huge advantage. The good thing is that you do not have to second-guess your lesson plans. Also, you need not feel frustrated by your insecurity. Since you get the opportunity to work with various dedicated teachers to come up with customized learning plans that suit your unique set of educational needs, you can experience a highly personalized form of learning. In an online school, you are also complemented by various interactive online instructional tools which engage students and help you in learning various vital concepts. Certainly, this makes for a personalized educational experience that is highly engaging.

How to prepare for an online school?

  • Make sure to research well
    Your online school will have multiple resources for you to review prior to the commencement of your online school year. You can use these to understand what a typical day at your online school looks like. Also, you can consider asking to talk to a current student. You can try to collect various valuable tips from your seniors. In addition, you can gain various insights or advice to help you navigate online school. Your must have an idea of your curriculum and class expectations before you start with your online high school.
  • Try to reach out to your instructors
    Once you gather contact info of your instructors, you can decide to send an email to introduce yourself. Make sure to take that first step. This will certainly help you feel comfortable in reaching out to them throughout the school year.
  • Consider planning your schedule
    When you have already reviewed your course requirements, try to figure out how much time you need to set aside for homework and studies for all single classes. You can plan your day accordingly. You should also make some vital adjustments all through the school year.
  • Plan to talk to other students
    Prior to starting with your online school course, make sure to think about how often you talk to your family. In an online high school, you will certainly have the opportunity to connect with other students. You must take the initiative to meet other students in your online high school courses. Later on, you can plan to develop various study groups and personalized conversations along with your online school peers.
  • Try to set up a dedicated study area
    This is an important one. Make sure to take the time to clear out an area which is properly designated as a study space. You must keep it free from clutter and distractions. Make sure to talk to family members about the requirement for quiet time when you are attending any class.
  • Plan ahead 
    This is a vital one as well. You must plan ahead if you wish to succeed in your online high school course. You might run into various challenges at the time of taking online high school classes. Decide beforehand how you will resolve them. You must talk to your parents or guardians about the different warning signs that should alert you when it is the right time to look for help from instructors.
  • Get to know the online school landscape
    Prior to starting with your online high school course, make sure to walk around your online high school campus. This will enable you to learn where things are. You must log into the school Web site with the login and password which you are assigned with. Make sure to click on different links to see what is available.
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