Welcome Back To School! What’s In Your Virtual Backpack?

Here are some things that should be there in the virtual backpack: Set of competencies If you are an aspiring...
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Welcome Back To School! What’s In Your Virtual Backpack?

Here are some things that should be there in the virtual backpack:

  • Set of competencies
    If you are an aspiring virtual school student and not yet aware of competencies, go ahead and get to know about it. You certainly need to know as to what they are, their importance, and how you might be able to use them. In general, competencies are concepts which you learn at a high level such that you can demonstrate mastery in the concept.
    Usually, competencies consist of a traditional course. For instance, when it comes to Algebra 1, you are required to master certain exponential functions, linear functions, inequalities, polynomials, basic statistics, quadratic functions and various systems of equations. Such subtopics might be considered competency. Mastery of every competency can be measured.When it comes to competency-based learning, the focus tends to shift from grades to mastering various competencies. In a conventional system, you can fail some competencies and ace others and then you can pass the course. In a competency-based system, you are required to master each and every competency. Also, in a competency-based system, you not only need to earn a higher grade, but you are also required to learn the subject.
  • Building of relationships
    Relationships are often regarded as the cornerstone of any educational exchange that is successful. Certainly, you will never want to listen to or want to learn from an individual you do not know or do not like. As a students makes progress in his/her school life, it is a common thing to forget the significance of relationship building.

    It has to be kept in mind that relationships are important to your success. This is irrespective of who you are. If you are an instructor, you will have to make sure that you have positive relationships with your students and parents. If you are a parent, you are required to open lines of communication between your child and his/her teacher. If you are a student, you are required to know how to advocate for what you truly need in ways that is likely to garner various positive results.

    Online school students need to be honest, open to learning, curious and willing to ask questions when required. Also, they should have the ability to listen and collaborate. Above all, they should be driven.

    Go ahead and get to know your peers as well as your online school teachers. If you are a parent, communicate with your child’s teacher. Go ahead and get to know your students. You must show them you care.

    On a daily basis, interact with the members of the online community. Spend time with your family on a daily basis. When you are a parent, you can send an email, or an old-fashioned postcard where you can thank a teacher for his/her readiness to provide help.
    Being an online school student, go ahead and take part in certain school discussions. As the parent of an online student, ask your child how their school day went. However, you must try specific questions. Get to know if the online school has a certain social media account. Simply respond, engage and step up. Keep in mind that building relationships take time!

  • Time Management
    For this, a study calendar can be maintained. When you are an online school student, find one that you like. If you are able to sync it to your phone, even better. You can also decide to use Google Calendar that works well and syncs across various devices. Try to block out the times when you are working on your online school course. You can also assign yourself times to work on a bunch of tasks, such as class assignments, homework, after-school activities, sports, meetings, outside appointments, etc.

    Make sure to be honest with yourself. If you have an intense practice or rehearsal schedule, try to block off those times as well. If you are taking classes, try to add big due dates to the calendar. You can consider assigning yourself time to work on those set of assignments with a good deal of time to spare. Try to figure out how you want to spend that time. You can actually put it in the calendar. If it is mentioned in the calendar, you are likely to do it. When you have scheduled all of your events, go ahead and find the tasks and due dates that will require extra work of some sort.

    You can consider preparing a to-do list for every task as you need. If you want to work ahead, prepare all your to-do lists. If you want to operate on a by-project basis, prepare your to-do lists.

  • A good deal of student support
    You need to add something in your virtual backpack that gets you motivated. Parents are required to focus on growth mindset. Students also need to have a growth mindset in order to grow and improve. Students are required to ensure that you have the support you need to do well. If you are surrounded by people in your life with whom you can talk, go ahead and talk to them. In fact, you need to make sure that you can contact them easily. Try to figure out if you have the appropriate space and place you need to do your work. Try to figure out if you are comfortable in your learning environment. Keep in mind that you need to take every possible step to perform well.

    There are many parents who have you figured out where your child learns best. In order to keep their children motivated, parents need to be involved in their children’s choices and decisions, to some extent. Even if the child is good at decision making, parents should still try to be involved in their children’s learning. This will enable kids to have positive learning experiences.

    Though students will be supported by a well-qualified team if teachers, they are required to be self-starters when it comes to getting their queries addressed.

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