I can’t believe it’s been almost four years that I’ve been lucky enough to be teaching with Forest Trail Academy! You might notice that I stated “with” instead of “at”. It is “with” for me because I feel like I’m part of a team; we are peers and we help one another. We all work together towards the same goals. I realize that there is a general chain of command, but it doesn’t feel that way as a teacher. I feel I am just as much of an integral part of the team as those that are more senior than I. I can reach out to anyone within the school and ask for help (and I do!—asking for help is important so we can help all students!) Aside from that, I truly love my students! They are amazing learners that bring a true worldly variety of experiences and cultures and thoughts. I learn from them and they learn from me. They are creative, intelligent, and intuitive. They come to us at FTA because they need help in one way or another and I am so proud and happy that FTA can deliver. Forest Trail Academy is an amazing school and in my opinion, is unmatched in what we can offer to students. I have grown as a teacher and honestly, I feel I am better prepared to face the future of education as a teacher here than in traditional educational settings. I am happy to be part of this team!!