This course follows the Common Core Standards for 6th grade English.
The course has goals for the areas of reading, writing, speaking and listening, and language in an effort to make students able to read and write confidently in all subject areas. In the area of reading students will learn to see how text supports their analysis and how a story’s plot can proceed in small steps carried by the response of characters.
They will learn how the meaning of words can change based off of how they are used and to analyze how specific sentences add to the development of the theme or plot. The students will be able to describe how the experience of reading a text differs from that of listening to the text or watching a live performance based on the text. Throughout the course students will develop proficiency in writing argumentative, informative, and narrative texts. They will learn to clearly show and develop their topic or theme with proper language and grammar. Students will also learn more about the editing and revising process for their essays. The students will learn how to conduct research in order to answer a question, gathering information from various but accurate sources. They will be able to support their writing using evidence found in other texts. To develop their speaking and listening skills students will practice presenting their own claims by giving their ideas in a logical order. They will also learn to use various multimedia components in their presentations and to give their presentations using strong speaking skills such as appropriate eye contact and clear pronunciation. The students will learn how to collaborate with others on grade level appropriate content by coming to discussions prepared and following rules for friendly discussions.
In all aspects of their writing and speaking students will show an appropriate command of the English language, particularly in terms of pronoun usage. Students will focus on using appropriate punctuation and spelling throughout their writing.