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Online High School

Grade 10
American History

Grade 10 American History Course Outline (1.0 Credit)

The primary content emphasis for this course pertains to the study of United States history from Reconstruction to the present day. Students will be exposed to the historical, geographic, political, economic, and sociological events which influenced the development of the United States and the resulting impact on world history. So that students can clearly see the relationship between cause and effect in historical events, students should have the opportunity to review those fundamental ideas and events which occurred before the end of Reconstruction.

Course Outline

  • Introduction
  • Course Description
  • Understanding Plagiarism
  • Review: America in early 19th Century
  • Review part 2
  • MLA Formatting Word 2007
  • MLA Documentation updates
  • MLA Citation
  • MLA Incorporating Sources
  • Worksheet: Ongoing Instruction Activity
  • Introduction
  • Handout: Abolitionism
  • Civil War Overview
  • Handout: Causes of the Civil War
  • Handout: The Civil War
  • The Union Dissolves
  • The Start of the War
  • Fighting the War
  • Handout: Mapping Assignment
  • Assignment: Mapping Assignment
  • Civil War Aftermath
  • Assignment: The Emancipation Proclamation
  • Essay: Civil War Essay
  • Reconstruction
  • Handout: Reconstruction
  • Reconstruction continued
  • Essay: Reconstruction
  • Western Frontier
  • Handout: California Gold Rush
  • Handout: Life in the West
  • Assignment: The Great Plains Indian Wars
  • Assignment: Life in the West
  • Native American Experience
  • Assignment: Native American Reeducation
  • Oregon Trail
  • Handout: Oregon Trail PowerPoint
  • Handout: Oregon Trail Scavenger Hunt Assignment
  • Assignment: Oregon Trail Scavenger Hunt
  • Assignment: Westward Expansion
  • Gilded Age
  • Transcontinental Railroad
  • Handout: Transcontinental Railroad
  • Rise of Industry
    • Handout: Age of Great Inventions
  • Move to the Cities
  • Assignment: Ellis Island and the Immigrant Experience
  • Reform
  • Progressive Era
  • Handout: Progressive Era Politics
  • Progressive Era continued
  • Handout: Muckrakers and Reformers
  • Essay: The Standard Oil Monopoly
  • Worksheet: Ongoing Instruction Activity
  • Seeking Empire
  • Assignment: America as World Power
  • Spanish-American War
  • Handout: Spanish American War
  • Assignment: Spanish-American War

8- Unit 2: World War I

  • Roaring 20s
  • Handout: The 1920s
  • Old Values vs. New
  • Assignment: Flappers
  • Flowering Culture
  • Essay: The Impact of Broadcasting
  • Worksheet: Roaring 20’s
  • America Between the Wars
  • Assignment: Great Depression Photo Essay
  • 1930s and 40s continued
  • Handout: Great Depression
  • Handout: FDRs New Deal
  • FDR and the New Deal
  • Handout: FDR & The New Deal Presentation
  • Assignment: FDR and the New Deal
  • Causes of the Great Depression
  • Handout: Causes of the Great Depression
  • Essay: The Great Depression: The Stock Market Crash
  • Worksheet: The Great Depression
  • Essay: Milestone Assignment
  • Quiz: Unit 2 Quiz
  • Worksheet: Ongoing Instruction Activity
  • WWII
  • Handout: World War II
  • Assignment: Yalta and Poland
  • Assignment: Analyzing Motives
  • The War at Home
  • Handout: WWII Homefront
  • Assignment: The Homefront
  • Holocaust in Europe
  • Assignment: Memories of the Holocaust
  • Essay: The Holocaust and Hiroshima
  • Post-War Challenges
  • Handout: Causes of the Cold War
  • Assignment: Marshall Plan
  • The Cold War
  • Handout: The Cold War
  • Handout: Cold War Vocabulary
  • Handout: Cold War Graphic Organizer
  • Assignment: Cold War McCarthyism
  • Assignment: Cold War Vocabulary
  • Cold War Continued
  • Handout: Cold War Overview PowerPoint
  • Worksheet: The Cold War at Home; Truman’s ‘Fair Deal’
  • 1950s
  • Assignment: Truman Doctrine
  • Civil Rights
  • Handout: Civil Rights Movement
  • Assignment: Recipe for Civil Rights
  • Quiz: Unit 3 Quiz
  • Kennedy Administration
  • Rising Tensions
  • Worksheet: Ongoing Instruction Activity
  • Vietnam War
  • Handout: The Vietnam War
  • Essay: Johnson and the Vietnam War
  • Worksheet: Vietnam War
  • Time of Malaise
  • Assignment: Nixon and the Watergate Scandal
  • Winding Down
  • Essay: The War Powers Act
  • New Gilded Age?
  • Assignment: Cold War Map
  • End of the Century
  • Turn of the Century
  • Assignment: Last 50 years
  • Growing Problems
  • Quiz: Unit 4 Quiz
  • Quiz: Final Exam
  • Handout: Course Evaluation
  • Assignment: Course Survey