Online High School

World Cultural Geography

World Cultural Geography Online High School Elective

World Cultural Geography encompasses both the physical and cultural aspects of the discipline. Early emphasis is placed on the development and appreciation of physical geographic knowledge including meteorology, geomorphology, and cartography. These skills having been mastered, a cultural approach to the world’s various ethnic regions is addressed during the remainder of the year. Elements including political ideologies, religious beliefs, and unique cultural practices, as well as current situations of the world’s major ethnic regions, are discussed.

At the end of the course, the student should have an understanding of the nations of the world, their location, economies, and major geographic features.

Course Outline

  • Introduction
  • Course Description
  • Pretest
  • Assignment: Pretest
  • Ancient History Review
  • Understanding Plagiarism
  • MLA Formatting Word 2007
  • MLA Documentation updates
  • MLA Citation
  • MLA Incorporating Sources
  • The 5 Themes of Geography
  • Assignment: 5 Themes of Geography
  • Understanding Globes
  • Worksheet: Understanding Globes
  • Latitude/Longitude Major Cities
  • Careers and Technology
  • Essay: Where have you gone?
  • Course Links
  • Functional Diagrams
  • Rotates on its Axis
  • Seasons
  • Worksheet: Understanding the Earth
  • Summary of Rotation
  • Quiz: The Moving Earth Quiz
  • Map Elements
  • Using a Legend
  • Colors and Compass
  • Map Concepts
  • Map Projections
  • Mental Maps
  • Global Perceptions
  • Quiz: Reading Maps Quiz
  • Latitude and Longitude
  • Worksheet: Geography Review
  • Web Quest
  • Assignment: Web Quest
  • How many Maps are there?
  • Climate Maps
  • Physical Map
  • Political Map
  • Topographic Maps
  • Quiz: Types of Maps Quiz
  • Essay: Which Map to Use?
  • Project 1
  • Assignment: Project 1 Assignment
  • US & Canada
  • A View from Above
  • The Great Lakes
  • Canada Facts
  • United States Facts
  • The Geography of the Mountain States
  • The Geography of the Pacific States
  • The Geography of the South Central States
  • Assignment: North America Assignment
  • Quiz: North America Quiz
  • Explore Mexico
  • Mexico Facts
  • Map of Mexico
  • Mexico Geography
  • Assignment: Mexico Assignment
  • Quiz: Mexico Quiz
  • Explore Brazil
  • Brazil Facts
  • Brazil Geography
  • Worksheet: Brazil Assignment
  • Web Quest
  • Handout: Region Note Sheet
  • Handout: Region Retrieval Sheet
  • Handout: Points of View
  • Handout: Points of View Retrieval Sheet
  • Assignment: Web Quest
  • Project 2
  • Assignment: Project 2 Assignment
  • Archipelago
  • Laborers
  • Communism
  • Assignment: West Indies Assignment
  • Quiz: West Indies Quiz
  • Democratic Governments
  • Geography
  • Britain Demographics
  • Worksheet: Western Europe Assignment
  • The Region
  • Physical Geography
  • Plains and Mountains
  • Natural Highways
  • Quiz: Eastern Europe Quiz
  • Worksheet: Eastern Europe Assignment
  • Mid-Term
  • Quiz: Mid-Term
  • Midtest
  • Assignment: Midtest
  • Russian History and Today
  • The Black Sea
  • In the South
  • Ukraine
  • Siberia
  • Russian Geography
  • Worksheet: Russia Assignment
  • Quiz: Russia Quiz
  • Land, Climate & Vegetation
  • Natural Resources
  • Farmers & Herders
  • Cultures
  • Arabs & Turks
  • Worksheet: Middle East Worksheet
  • Essay: Differnt Cultures
  • Peninsulas, Islands & Seas
  • Mynamar
  • Thailand
  • Laos
  • Cambodia
  • Vietnam
  • Indonesia
  • Malaysia
  • Brunei
  • The Philippines
  • Quiz: Southeast Asia Quiz
  • Worksheet: Southeast Asia Assignment
  • History
  • Geography
  • Economy
  • Hinduism and India Today
  • Assignment: India Assignment
  • Quiz: India Quiz
  • Cantonese
  • Culture
  • Regions of China
  • History and Today
  • Minerals and Agriculture
  • Achievements
  • Assignment: China Assignment
  • Project 3
  • Assignment: Project 3 Assignment
  • Mix of Old and New
  • Japan vs. Britain
  • Mountains
  • The South
  • Population
  • Essay: Homogeneous People
  • Land of the Rising Sun
  • Worksheet: Japan Assignment
  • Smallest Continent
  • Resources
  • Government
  • Essay: Port Arthur
  • Worksheet: Australia Assignment
  • mportant Role
  • Water Cycle and Resources
  • Worksheet: Oceans Assignment
  • 2nd Largest Continent
  • Climate
  • Population
  • History
  • Assignment: African Kingdoms Scavenger Hunt
  • Project 4
  • Assignment: Project 4 Assignment
  • Final Exam
  • Quiz: Final Exam
  • Post-test
  • Assignment: Post-test
  • Course Evaluation