Students will learn to read, write, speak, and understand spoken French. A developmental approach to the acquisition of essential vocabulary will build upon different themes at each level. The main language used in the class is French. In some stages a bilingual approach is used to explain grammar or to introduce cultural concepts especially at the early levels. It is most important to note that the target language is used extensively and it is the student’s responsibility to work with the teacher to master this essential oral component.

At level two, students will better develop their listening and speaking skills and increase vocabulary and develop reading comprehension and writing skills. Work will be done in class to improve students’ pronunciation and intonation. Upon completion of level two, students will be able to speak and write about their lives in simple past and future tenses. They will read and react independently in various contexts to selections at an appropriate level. Further elements of culture are examined.

Course Outline

Spanish 1 focuses on the present and the present progressive tenses, a large number of vocabulary words need to be learn and master since all of that will serve as a foundation for newer structures and further courses. Students will need to learn basic pronunciation rules, whatever grammar is necessary to create basic sentences and understand them, and acquire enough vocabulary to produce communicative sentences. Many useful pattern phrases will be practice in this course those will serve as pattern that the students can use to create their own original phrases. Progressively all the patterns should build an ability to understand read, write, listen and speak simple basic Spanish. Students will find build within the pages of the course cultural vignettes of the wonders found in the Spanish world.

Spanish 2 focuses on the past, future and compound tenses, vocabulary usage and contextual comprehension is essential. This course builds up on fundamentals learned and master in Spanish I. The same emphasis that Spanish I had in pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, useful phrases and the ability to understand read, write, listen and speak simple Spanish will be continue in this course. Also, this course will continue with the cultural exposure to wonders found in Spanish world.

Spanish 3 focuses on the past, future and compound tenses, vocabulary usage and contextual comprehension is essential. This course builds up on fundamentals learned and master in Spanish I. The same emphasis that Spanish I and 2 had in pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, useful phrases and the ability to understand read, write, listen and speak simple Spanish will be continue in this course. Also, this course will continue and further explore the cultural exposure to the wonders found in the Spanish world.