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High School

Grade 12 Physics

Common Core Standards for 12th Grade Physics

Applied Physics/Technology is a high school course in applied science for vocational-technical and college-bound students. The material studied shows how technical concepts can be analyzed and applied to equipment and devices in mechanical, fluid, electrical, and thermal energy systems. The course is designed for students to explore and apply the principles of technology in a classroom setting with hands-on laboratory activities. Within each chapter are several pages that cover topics such as motion, forces, electricity, magnetism, waves, and quantum physics.

Course Outline

  • Introduction
  • Course Description
  • Plagiarism Discussion
  • Pretest
  • Assignment: Pretest
  • Set the Pace
  • Handout: Pacing Guide
  • Course Links
  • MLA Formatting MSWord 2007
  • MLA Documentation updates
  • MLA Citation
  • MLA Incorporating Sources
  • Making Measurements
  • Organizing Collected Data
  • Vector Vs Scalar Measurements
  • Handout: Measuring Data
  • Assignment: Measuring Data
  • SI Units
  • Significant Figures
  • Using Significant Figures
  • Scientific Notation
  • Handout: Math with Measurements
  • Assignment: Math with Measurements
  • Converting Between Units
  • Handout: Columbia Tragedy
  • Handout: Equation Card
  • Assignment: Columbia Tragedy
  • Quiz: Math and Measurements Test
  • The Nature of Science
  • Scientific Knowledge
  • Investigating Science
  • Essay: Accidental Science
  • Using Models to Explain
  • Science’s Impact on Society
  • Handout: What is Science
  • Assignment: What is Science
  • What is Physics?
  • Quiz: What is Science Test
  • Distance and Displacement
  • Speed, Velocity, and Acceleration
  • Using Graphs to Describe Motion
  • Relative Velocity
  • Handout: Describing Motion & Relative Velocity
  • Assignment: Describing Motion & Relative Velocity
  • Constant Acceleration Problems
  • Handout: Hot Wheels Lab
  • Assignment: Hot Wheels Lab
  • Free Fall
  • Essay: Tin Pan Drop
  • Assignment: Linear Motion Practice Problems
  • Handout: Kinematics in 1 Dimension Test
  • Assignment: Kinematics in 1 Dimension Test
  • What is a Force?
  • Types of Forces
  • Free Body Diagrams
  • Assignment: Free Body Diagrams
  • Newton’s 1st Law of Motion
  • Newton’s 2nd Law of Motion
  • Assignment: Heavy Vs. Light Trucks Lab
  • Newton’s 3rd Law of Motion
  • Terminal Velocity
  • Mass Vs Weight
  • Handout: Newton’s Laws & Weight Calculations
  • Assignment: Newton’s Laws & Weight Calculations
  • Calculating Force due to Friction
  • Handout: Calculating Friction Practice
  • Assignment: Calculating Friction Practice
  • The Four Fundamental Forces
  • Gravitational Force
  • Assignment: Chapter Review
  • Handout: Dynamics in 1 Dimension Test
  • Assignment: Dynamics in 1 Dimension Test
  • What Do Vectors Represent?
  • Trig Ratios – Review
  • Using Vector Addition
  • Type I – Adding Perpendicular Vectors
  • Handout: Vector Practice
  • Assignment: Vector Practice – Part 1
  • Type II – Finding Perpendicular Components
  • Assignment: Vector Practice – Part 2
  • Type III – Adding NON-Perpendicular Vectors
  • Assignment: Vector Practice – Part 3
  • Type IV – Finding an Equilibrant
  • Assignment: Vector Practice – Part 4
  • Intro to Projectile Motion
  • Projectiles Launched Horizontally
  • Projectiles Launched at an Angle
  • Handout: Water Balloon Toss Lab
  • Assignment: Water Balloon Toss Lab
  • Assignment: Projectile Motion Practice
  • Essay: Underhand Toss
  • Describing Circular Motion
  • Changing Circular Motion
  • Handout: 2-D Kinematics Review
  • Assignment: 2-D Kinematics Review
  • Handout: Kinematics in 2 Dimensions Test
  • Assignment: Kinematics in 2 Dimensions Test
  • Equillibrium
  • Tension Force
  • Tension Force
  • Assignment: Tension Force Practice Problems
  • Inclined Plane 3- Inclined Plane
  • Handout: Coefficient of Static Friction Lab
  • Assignment: Coefficient of Static Friction Lab
  • Assignment: Inclined Plane Practice Problems
  • Handout: Dynamics in 2 Dimensions Test
  • Assignment: Dynamics in 2 Dimensions Test
  • Momentum and Impulse
  • Essay: Tossing Eggs
  • Conservation of Momentum
  • Assignment: Understanding Momentum
  • Linear Collisions
  • Assignment: Momentum Practice Problems
  • Handout: Momentum Test
  • Assignment: Momentum Test
  • Work Energy Theorem
  • When Force is Applied at an Angle
  • Assignment: Work: Read, Research, & Respond
  • Power
  • Handout: Work and Power Lab
  • Assignment: Work and Power Lab
  • Types of Energy
  • Mechanical Energy
  • Conservation of Mechanical Energy
  • Assignment: Kinetic & Potential Energy Virtual Lab
  • Assignment: Energy, Work, & Power Review
  • Handout: Energy, Work, & Power Test
  • Assignment: Energy, Work, & Power Test
  • Mechanics Project
  • Infomercial Format
  • Handout: Infomercial Format Rubric
  • Brochure Format
  • Handout: Brochure Format Rubric
  • Paper Format
  • Handout: Paper Format Rubric
  • Assignment: Mechanics Project
  • Midtest
  • Assignment: Midtest
  • Handout: Mid-Term
  • Assignment: Mid-Term
  • Electric Charge
  • Electric Force
  • Electric Fields
  • Electric Potential
  • Static Electricity
  • Essay: Lightning Rods
  • Assignment: Electric Fields, Forces, & Potential
  • Current Electricity
  • Measuring Electric Current
  • Assignment: Electric Power & Energy Efficiency
  • Electrical Circuits
  • Circuit Diagrams
  • Handout: Circuit Construction Kit Lab
  • Assignment: Circuit Diagrams
  • Assignment: Circuit Construction Kit Lab
  • Kirchoff’s Circuit Laws
  • Quiz: Electricity Test
  • Properties of Magnets
  • Electromagnetism
  • Assignment: Magnetism and Its Uses
  • Right-Hand Rules
  • Using Electromagnetism
  • Handout: Making a Motor Lab
  • Assignment: Making a Motor Lab
  • Elecromagnetic Induction
  • Using Electromagnetic Induction
  • Essay: Generators Vs Alternators
  • Worksheet: Magnetism Review
  • Quiz: Magnetism Test
  • Types of Waves
  • Measuring Waves
  • Assignment: Measuring Waves
  • Sound
  • Assignment: Speed of Sound Lab
  • Light
  • Assignment: The Electromagnetic Spectrum
  • Wave Interactions
  • Assignment: Virtual Lab Wave Properties
  • The Doppler Effect
  • Assignment: Doppler Effect
  • Quiz: Waves Test
  • Law of Reflection
  • Mirrors and Ray Diagrams
  • Handout: Concave Mirror Ray Diagrams
  • Handout: Convex Mirror Ray Diagrams
  • Mirror Equations
  • Snell’s Law and Refraction
  • Handout: Reflection and Refraction
  • Assignment: Reflection and Refraction
  • Lenses and Ray Diagrams
  • Handout: Convex Lens Ray Diagrams
  • Handout: Concave Lens Ray Diagrams
  • Handout: Ray Diagram Quiz
  • Assignment: Ray Diagram Quiz
  • Thin Lens Equation
  • Assignment: Optics Math Practice
  • Special Effects of Light
  • Worksheet: Optics Test
  • Temperature Vs. Heat
  • Laws of Thermodynamics
  • Methods of Heat Transfer
  • Assignment: Heat Transfer
  • Kinetic Molecular Theory
  • Ideal Gases
  • Essay: Deflated Balloon
  • Water’s Special Properties
  • Quiz: Thermodynamics Test
  • Quantization of Energy
  • Dual Nature of Light
  • Essay: Double-Slit Experiment
  • The Four Fundamental Forces
  • Fundamental Particles
  • Worksheet: Atomic Physics Test
  • The Big Bang Theory
  • How Planets Move
  • Assignment: Virtual Lab – Planetary Motion
  • Worksheet: Physics and Space Test
  • Quantum Physics
  • Theory of Special Relativity
  • Essay: Time Traveler
  • Theory of General Relativity
  • Unification of Physics
  • Assignment: Modern Physics Test
  • Theory of Everything
  • Handout: Theory of Everything Project Rubric
  • Assignment: Theory of Everything
  • Post-test
  • Assignment: Post-test
  • Quiz: Final Exam
  • Handout: Course Evalulation
  • Assignment: Course Evaluation