Online Elementary School

Grade 4
Social Studies

Grade 4 Social Studies Course Outline

This course follows Florida’s Next Generation Sunshine State Standards for 4th grade Social Studies. It offers students their first in depth look at the history of the United States and our country’s place in global events. The students will learn about Native Americans by region, learning about the customs of tribes in those areas. Next, they will learn about European exploration into America, and why they first found the continent. The students will study the first colonies in America and learn how freedom of religion was a strong principle. They will also learn about what life was like in the 13 original colonies. Students will study the events, such as the Boston Tea Party, that led up to revolution. The major battles of the American revolution are also covered. The students will then learn about the new system of government set up by the United States and the problem the young nation faced. The course then covers some important events in the early years of the country, including the Louisiana Purchase, the War of 1812, and the Trail of Tears. Next the student will learn about the westward expansion of the United States and the new challenges this created. The Civil War is discussed, including the reasons and some of the major battles. The students will also learn about the growth of industry in the country and about the rush of immigrants. The students will learn about America’s role in the first World War and about the Great Depression that followed. World War II will be discussed, including the major parties involved, the Holocaust, what events brought America into the war, and how the war was concluded. The students will learn next about the Civil Right Movement and the Space Race. Finally, Florida will be spotlighted and the local and state government explained.

Course Outline

  • Welcome
  • Pretest
  • Assignment: Pretest
  • Introduction
  • Getting to America
  • People of the Americas
  • Culture Regions of the United States
  • The Northwest Coast Region
  • The California Intermountain Region
  • The Southwest Region
  • The Plains Region
  • The Eastern Woodland Region
  • The Southeast Region
  • Worksheet: Culture Regions
  • Finding Out About the Past
  • Essay: Artifact
  • Glaciers
  • Quiz: The First Americans
  • Introduction
  • The Norse Sailors
  • A New Route to the East
  • Columbus and the Great Adventure
  • Spanish Explorer in the Americas
  • Other Europeans in the Americas
  • Assignment: Explorer Timeline
  • New Spain
  • New France
  • Quiz: New World
  • Francisco Coronado
  • Essay: Europe in the New World
  • Introduction
  • The Beginnings of Jamestown
  • John Smith Helps the Colonists
  • The Beginning of Democracy
  • A Colony at Plymouth
  • Massachusetts Bay Colony
  • Freedom of Religion
  • Essay: Freedom of Religion
  • Slavery in the Colonies
  • Essay: Slavery
  • Worksheet: England’s First Colonies
  • Introduction
  • New England Colonies
  • The Middle Colonies
  • The Southern Colonies
  • Essay: Living in a Colony
  • On the Frontier
  • The Town Meeting
  • Handout: Town Meeting
  • Worksheet: Life in the 13 Colonies
  • Assignment: Town Meeting
  • Introduction
  • The French and Indian War
  • New Problems
  • The Boston Massacre
  • The Boston Tea Party
  • Events That Led to War
  • The Call for Independence
  • Assignment: Road to Freedom Timeline
  • Abigail and John Adams
  • Quiz: The Road to Freedom
  • Introduction
  • The Long Fight
  • Washington and the American Army
  • The Victory at Trenton
  • Help Arrives from Europe
  • Winter at Valley Forge
  • Charleston Fall to the British
  • Worksheet: The American Revolution
  • The Last Battle: Yorktown
  • Quiz: The Revolution
  • Assignment: American Revolution Timeline
  • Midtest
  • Assignment: Midtest
  • Introduction
  • The Articles of Confederation
  • The New Nation Faces Problems
  • A New Plan of Government
  • A New Law for a New Land
  • The Federal System
  • The Bill of Rights
  • Handout: Bill of Rights
  • Assignment: Bill of Rights
  • Our Government Begins
  • Essay: The New Nation
  • The French Revolution
  • Quiz: A New Nation
  • Essay: Revolutions
  • Introduction
  • The Louisiana Purchase
  • An Amazing Journey
  • Assignment: Lewis and Clark Journal
  • Slavery Becomes Illegal
  • The War of 1812
  • “The Flag Was Still There”
  • Assignment: A U.S. Anthem
  • The Seminole Wars
  • “Old Hickory”
  • The Age of the Common Man
  • The Trail of Tears
  • Assignment: Trail of Tears
  • American Indians Today
  • Worksheet: A Growing Nation
  • Introduction
  • Pioneer Life
  • Pioneer Farmhouse
  • New Trade Routes
  • Texas Independence
  • War with Mexico
  • California, Here I Come!
  • How the United States Grew
  • Essay: Western Expansion
  • Worksheet: Westward Expansion
  • Reasons for the Civil War
  • The Southern States Secede
  • The Civil War Begins
  • The South Has Early Success — And Problems
  • Assignment: Confederate Soldiers
  • The Emmancipation Proclamation
  • A War-Weary Land
  • After the War
  • A Troubled Time
  • Essay: Opinion: Punish or Help?
  • Free But Not Equal
  • The Freedmen’s Bureau
  • Quiz: Civil War and Reconstruction
  • Introduction
  • Steel & “Black Glue”
  • A Nation of Immigrants
  • Handout: An Immigrant’s Life
  • Assignment: An Immigrant’s Life
  • A New Life
  • A Hard Life
  • Work
  • Essay: Letters from an Immigrant
  • Industry in Florida
  • Quiz: Industry and Immigrants
  • Introduction
  • War with Spain
  • Essay: Spanish-American War
  • World War
  • The United States and World War I
  • Assignment: World War I
  • Florida Boom and Bust
  • Quiz: A New America
  • Women and the Vote
  • Farmers Have Problems
  • Assignment: Dust Bowl
  • The Great Depression
  • Another Roosevelt Becomes President
  • A New Deal
  • Essay: Great Depression Interview
  • Life in the 1930’s
  • Great Depression and the New Deal in Florida
  • Worksheet: The Great Depression
  • Before the War
  • The Holocaust
  • Getting Ready for War
  • World War II Begins
  • Americans Join the War
  • World War II and Florida
  • War in Europe
  • War in the Pacific
  • The Atomic Bomb
  • Assignment: World War II Timeline
  • Worksheet: World War II, 1939-1945
  • Just the Beginning
  • Fighting Racism
  • Civil Rights and Schools
  • Assignment: Civil Rights and Education
  • Leaders of Equality
  • Civil Rights Act
  • Essay: I Have a Dream
  • Quiz: Civil Rights Movement
  • Cape Canaveral
  • Just the Beginning
  • The Soviets in Space
  • Walking on the Moon
  • Disasters
  • Worksheet: Space Race
  • Assignment: Space Race Timeline
  • Introduction
  • Florida Immigration
  • Tourism
  • Florida’s Local Government
  • Florida’s State Government
  • Community
  • Important People from Florida
  • Weather in Florida
  • Physical Features of Florida
  • Worksheet: Florida Today
  • Assignment: Spotlight On…
  • Post-test
  • Assignment: Post-test
  • Handout: Course Evalulation
  • Assignment: Course Evaluation