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How To Submit School Work Assignments

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School Assignments Submission

There are four (4) types of assessments in the system: assignments, essays, worksheets, and tests/quizzes.
In the assignment and essays, you will upload your completed work inside the class.
In the worksheets, you will type your answer directly.
In tests/quizzes, you will select the correct multiple choice or true or false answer.

Teachers are required to respond to messages with 48 hours and provide feedback within 72 hours of receiving your assignment.

If you do not receive feedback in the required time frame, please contact your teacher within the system. If you do not receive a response within 48 hours, please submit a message to Student Services via the Message Center, contact the office at 561.537.5501 or E-mail

You should submit no more than one assignment at a time per course. Before submitting multiple assignments, you should contact your teacher and seek permission. You will be better prepared for each assignment if you take advantage of your teacher’s evaluation of one assignment before submitting the next.

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