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AP World History Course Outline

The purpose of the AP World History course is to develop the greater understanding of the evolution of global processes and contacts in different types of human societies. This understanding is advanced through a combination of selective factual knowledge and appropriate analytical skills. The course highlights the nature of changes in global frameworks and their causes and consequences, as well as comparisons among major societies. It emphasizes relevant factual knowledge, leading interpretive issues, and skills in analyzing types of historical evidence.

The primary intent of the AP World History course is to teach the history of the world from a truly global stance rather than from the dominant perspective of Western civilization. This approach, therefore, places emphasis on worldwide historical processes and connections among the whole gamut of human societies. In order to achieve a comprehensive understanding of these events, students need both factual knowledge and the ability to critically assess such information. This course helps them on both fronts, teaching the historical facts in the context of how progressive changes–environmental, social, scientific, and political–influenced the various societies they touched, as well as how these groups interacted with each other. Students are exposed to many primary sources in an effort to show them how historical analysis works and how they can proceed to make their own informed interpretations of world events, both past, and present. Significantly, the course is organized by five defining time periods, not by geographical areas. This concept of “periodization” is a vehicle that facilitates seeing both the continuities and changes over time that form the framework for understanding world history.

Course Outline

  • Introduction
  • Course Description
  • Understanding Plagiarism
  • AP Exam Overview
  • MLA Formatting Word 2007
  • MLA Documentation updates
  • MLA Citation
  • MLA Incorporating Sources
  • Historical Thinking Skills
  • Multiple-Choice Exam
  • Document-Based Question (DBQ)
  • Handout: Essay Writing Tips
  • Handout: DBQ Tips
  • Continuity and Change-over-time Question
  • Handout: Generic Change-over-time Rubric
  • Comparative Essay
  • Handout: Comparative Step-by-Step
  • Handout: Generic Comparative Rubric
  • MLA Formatting MSWord 2007
  • AP Exam Review Sources
  • Introduction
  • Handout: Unit 1 Key Terms
  • Handout: Unit 1 Focus Questions
  • Agriculture and Geography
  • Handout: The Neolithic Revolution
  • Handout: Neolithic Farming
  • Handout: Evolution of Civilization
  • Handout: Floodplain Civilization
  • Handout: The Cosmic Calendar
  • Handout: Early Mesoamerican Civilization
  • Assignment: Olduvai Gorge
  • Assignment: Paleolithic, Mesolithic & Neolithic Periods
  • Essay: Landmark Discoveries
  • Rise of City States
  • Handout: Women in Egypt
  • Handout: Major Civilizations: China
  • Handout: Major Civilizations: Greece
  • Handout: Major Civilizations: India
  • Handout: Major Civilizations: Rome
  • Handout: Major Civilizations: Others
  • Handout: Persian Chart
  • Assignment: Minoan Civilization
  • Assignment: Mesopotamia
  • Assignment: Civilizations Chart
  • Assignment: Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro
  • Assignment: Ancient India Geography
  • Assignment: Aztec and Inca Civilizations
  • Essay: Aztec & Incan Civilizations part 2
  • First World Religions
  • Handout: Islam: the Five Pillars
  • Essay: Hinduism and Buddhism
  • Assignment: Dharma and the Bhagavadgita
  • Assignment: Maya, Aztec & Incan Religion
  • Assignment: Confucianism and Taoism
  • Nature of Empire
  • Handout: The Conrad Demarest Model of Empire
  • Handout: Classical Civilizations
  • Handout: Classical Greece
  • Handout: Classical Rome
  • Handout: Sparta
  • Handout: Women in Sparta
  • Handout: The Year One
  • Handout: Politics in Rome
  • Handout: End of the Classical Period
  • Assignment: Ancient China Dynasties
  • Assignment: Fall of Rome
  • Assignment: Early Islamic Civilizations
  • Essay: Early Islamic Civilizations part 2
  • Quiz: Unit 1 Multiple Choice Exam
  • Essay: Unit 1 Essay Exam
  • DBQ: Romans and Barbarians
  • Handout: DBQ: Romans and Barbarians
  • Essay: DBQ: Romans and Barbarians
  • Introduction
  • Handout: Unit 2 Key Terms
  • Handout: Unit 2 Focus Questions
  • Early World Empires
  • Handout: The World in 1000 CE
  • Handout: Life and Culture in 1000 EC
  • Handout: The Mongols
  • Handout: Women of the Mongol Court
  • Handout: Middle Ages
  • Handout: Japan, Korea and Vietnam
  • Handout: Byzantine Empire
  • Handout: Arab Islamic Empires
  • Assignment: Ghengis Kahn and the Mongols
  • Essay: Genghis Khan and the Mongols part 2
  • Assignment: Comparing Russian and Byzantine Rulers
  • Assignment: Powerful Medieval Women
  • Essay: Powerful Medieval Women part 2
  • Assignment: Asian Empires Art Exhibit
  • Assignment: Chinese Confucianism in Japan and Korea
  • Assignment: Islam: the Qur’an
  • Assignment: Medieval Europe
  • Essay: Medieval Europe part 2
  • Essay: Feudalism WebQuest
  • Trade Routes
  • Handout: Trade 600 to 1450
  • Assignment: Buddhism and the Silk Road
  • Assignment: Khmer Empire: Angor Wat
  • Early America
  • Handout: The Americas in 1000 CE
  • Handout: North America in 1000 CE
  • Handout: Central and South America in 1000 CE
  • Handout: Aztecs
  • Handout: Incas
  • Assignment: Maya, Aztec and Incan Culture
  • Assignment: Aztec Resistance to Spanish Conquest
  • African Kingdoms
  • Handout: Islam in Africa
  • Handout: Islam in India
  • Handout: Islamic Advancements
  • Assignment: Timbuktu
  • Quiz: Unit 2 Multiple Choice Exam
  • Essay: Unit 2 Essay Exam
  • DBQ: Buddhism in China
  • Essay: DBQ: Buddhism in China
  • Introduction
  • Handout: Unit 3 Key Terms
  • Handout: Unit 3 Focus Questions
  • Empire Building
  • Handout: Exploration and Expansion
  • Handout: Gunpowder Empires
  • Handout: Russia
  • Handout: Russia #2
  • Handout: Three Islamic Empires
  • Handout: China and Japan
  • Handout: Ming-Qing China
  • Handout: Unification of Japan
  • Assignment: Transatlantic Slave Trade
  • Assignment: Portugal’s Motives for Exploring Africa
  • Assignment: Elizabethan Propaganda
  • Columbian Exchange/Atlantic Trade
  • Handout: Early Europe and Trade
  • Handout: Europe 1450 to 1750
  • Handout: Europe and New Worlds
  • Handout: Africa
  • Handout: Africa and Slavery
  • Handout: A Spice Odyssey
  • Assignment: Spain in the New World
  • Essay: Spain in the New World part 2
  • Assignment: The Columbian Exchange
  • Renaissance, Reformation & Enlightenment
  • Handout: Art: Renaissance to Rococo
  • Handout: Renaissance
  • Handout: Reformation
  • Handout: Reformation and the European Nation State
  • Assignment: Exploring Renaissance Humanists
  • Assignment: Reformation: Writing Propaganda
  • Assignment: Creating an Enlightenment Quiz
  • Enlightenment continued
  • Quiz: Unit 3 Multiple Choice Exam
  • Essay: Unit 3 Essay Exam
  • DBQ: Puritan Influence
  • Essay: DBQ: Puritain Influence
  • Introduction
  • Handout: Unit 4 Key Terms
  • Handout: Unit 4 Focus Questions
  • Political Revolutions
  • Handout: Revolution
  • Handout: The French Revolution
  • Handout: Marie Antoinette
  • Assignment: French Revolution Timeline
  • Political Revolutions part 2
  • Assignment: Battles of the Napoleonic Era
  • Industrial Revolution
  • Handout: Industrial Revolution
  • Handout: Women in the Industrial Revolution
  • Assignment: Life in Victorian England
  • Assignment: Protesting the Corn Laws
  • Essay: Adam Smith & Child Labor
  • Imperialism & Rise of Nationalism
  • Handout: Imperialism
  • Handout: Opium Wars
  • Handout: Middle East in Crisis
  • Handout: China: Ming to Manchu
  • Handout: Europe 1750-1914
  • Assignment: Scramble for Africa
  • Essay: Scramble for Africa part 2
  • Assignment: Maps of Asia and Africa
  • Essay: The White Man’s Burden
  • Assignment: Origins of the Franco-Prussian War
  • Essay: Origins part 2
  • Assignment: The Unification of Italy
  • Social Revolutions
  • Handout: Women’s Rights
  • Handout: Alexander II’s Reforms
  • Essay: 19th Century Political & Intellectual Movements
  • Essay: The Communist Manifesto
  • Quiz: Unit 4 Multiple-Choice Exam
  • Essay: Unit 4 Essay Exam
  • DBQ: Indentured Servitude
  • Essay: DBQ: Indentured Servitude
  • Introduction
  • Handout: Unit 5 Key Terms
  • Handout: Unit 5 Focus Questions
  • Communism, Fascism & Totalitarianism
  • Handout: Stalin’s Genocide
  • Handout: Rise of Fascism
  • Handout: Communist China
  • Assignment: Trotsky and Stalin
  • Essay: Trotsky and Stalin part 2
  • Assignment: The Chinese Cultural Revolution
  • Assignment: Italian Fascism
  • World Wars
  • Handout: World in 1914
  • Handout: WWI
  • Handout: Nanking Genocide
  • Handout: Post WWI World
  • Assignment: WWI: Failure of European Diplomacy
  • Essay: European Diplomacy part 2
  • Assignment: The Schlieffen Plan
  • Essay: The Versailles Treaty
  • World Wars continued
  • Handout: Nazi Genocide
  • Handout: Independence Movements
  • Assignment: WWII: 1936 in Review
  • Assignment: Japanese Expansion
  • Essay: The Holocaust and Hiroshima
  • Cold War & Post-Colonialism
  • Handout: The Cold War
  • Handout: Decolonization
  • Handout: Vietnam
  • Handout: Armenian Genocide
  • Handout: Bosnian Genocide
  • Handout: Cambodian Genocide
  • Handout: Nationalism in the Balkins
  • Assignment: Glossary of the Arms Race
  • Assignment: The Marshall Plan
  • Assignment: Apartheid in South Africa
  • Assignment: Arab-Israeli Conflict
  • Globalization
  • Assignment: 20th Century Latin American Dictatorships
  • Essay: Modern Asia: Analyzing Conflicts
  • Assignment: World Trade Organizations
  • Quiz: Unit 5 Multiple-Choice Exam
  • Essay: Unit 5 Essay Exam
  • DBQ: Women and the Cuban Revolution
  • Handout: DBQ: Women and the Cuban Revolution
  • Essay: DBQ: Women and Cuban Revolution
  • Course Survey
  • Handout: Course Survey
  • Assignment: Course Survey