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AP U.S History Course Outline

1.0 Credit

This course is designed to provide students with the analytic skills and factual knowledge necessary to deal critically with the problems and materials in U .S history. The program prepares students for intermediate and advanced college courses by making demands upon them equivalent to those made by full-year introductory college courses. Students should learn to assess historical materials—their relevance to a given interpretive problem, reliability, and importance—and to weigh the evidence and interpretations presented in historical scholarship.

AP United States History is designed to prepare students for the rigor of scholarship and writing expected in college-level courses. Students study history as a series of interconnected events rather than as isolated dates, learning to critically analyze the cause and effect relationships of those events. As students progress through the course, they learn to find and assess primary documents as well as secondary sources. Finally, students learn to incorporate outside sources into persuasive essays that demonstrate logical reasoning and present evidence to support the author’s conclusions.

Course Outline

  • Welcome
  • Course Description
  • Understanding Plagiarism
  • U.S. History Topics
  • MLA Formatting MSWord 2007
  • MLA Documentation updates
  • MLA Citation
  • MLA Incorporating Sources
  • AP Exam
  • The DBQ
  • DBQ part 2
  • DBQ Scoring Rubric
  • Introduction
  • Assignment: Theme Discussion
  • The World Before 1492
  • Essay: Columbus and the Columbian Exchange
  • The First Americans
  • Assignment: European Discovery of the New World
  • Exploration and Discovery
  • Essay: Spanish Discovery of the New World
  • Colonization
  • Assignment: Colonization
  • Origins & Nature of New World Slavery
  • Assignment: Indentured Servitude and Slavery
  • Religion in the Colonies
  • Assignment: Puritans
  • Review
  • Quiz: Multiple-Choice Test
  • Essay: Essay Test
  • Introduction
  • Assignment: Theme Discussion
  • Patterns of Change
  • Assignment: Toward Revolution
  • The American Revolution
  • Assignment: The Revolutionary War
  • Religion, Race & Gender
  • Essay: The Constitution
  • Assignment: Impact of the Revolution
  • The Founders
  • Assignment: Who Were the Delegates
  • Review
  • Review part 2
  • Quiz: Multiple-Choice Test
  • Essay: Essay Test
  • Introduction
  • Assignment: Theme Discussion
  • The Critical Period: America in the 1780s
  • U.S. Constitution & The Bill of Rights
  • Assignment: Ratification the Constitution
  • The First New Nation
  • Assignment: Burr-Hamilton Duel
  • Anti-Slavery
  • Review
  • Review part 2
  • Quiz: Multiple-Choice Test
  • Essay: Essay Test
  • Introduction
  • Assignment: Theme Discussion
  • Jeffersonian Republicanism
  • Assignment: Federalists and Jeffersonians
  • War of 1812
  • Assignment: War of 1812
  • The Era of Good Feelings
  • Jacksonian Democracy
  • Assignment: Jacksonian Democracy
  • Review
  • Quiz: Multiple-Choice Test
  • Essay: Essay Test
  • Introduction
  • Assignment: Theme Discussion
  • Westward Expansion
  • Assignment: Westward Expansion
  • Essay: The Alamo
  • Indian Removal
  • Essay: Indian Removal
  • Religion and the Early Republic
  • Pre-Civil War Culture
  • Assignment: An Industrializing Nation
  • Pre-Civil War Reform
  • Review
  • Quiz: Multiple-Choice Test
  • Essay: Essay Test
  • Introduction
  • Assignment: Theme Discussion
  • Pre-Civil War South
  • Assignment: Sectional Conflict
  • Assignment: Escalating Crisis
  • The Impending Crisis
  • Essay: John Brown
  • The Civil War
  • Essay: Secession
  • The Civil War part 2
  • Assignment: The Civil War
  • Reconstruction
  • Assignment: Reconstruction
  • Along the Color Lines
  • Assignment: After Slavery
  • Review
  • Review part 2
  • Quiz: Multiple-Choice Test
  • Essay: Essay Test
  • Introduction
  • Assignment: Theme Discussion
  • Closing the Western Frontier
  • Industrialization and the Working Class
  • Essay: Industrial America
  • The Huddled Masses
  • Assignment: Immigration
  • Making of Modern America
  • Assignment: Responses to Industrialism
  • Struggle for Women’s Suffrage
  • Assignment: Women’s Roles
  • Review
  • Quiz: Multiple-Choice Test
  • Essay: Essay Test
  • Introduction
  • Assignment: Theme Discussion
  • The Gilded Age
  • Essay: Organized Labor
  • United States Becomes a World Power
  • Assignment: Imperialism
  • The Political Crisis of the 1890s
  • Assignment: Urban Political Machines
  • Review
  • Quiz: Multiple-Choice Test
  • Essay: Essay Test
  • Introduction
  • Assignment: Theme Discussion
  • The Progressive Era
  • Assignment: Progressive Reform
  • World War I
  • Essay: Progress and Poverty
  • World War I part 2
  • Assignment: World War I
  • Review
  • Quiz: Multiple-Choice Test
  • Essay:Essay Test
  • Introduction
  • Assignment: Theme Discussion
  • The Jazz Age: The American 1920s
  • Essay: 1920s
  • Controversies of the 1920s
  • Assignment: Controversies of 1920s
  • 1930s
  • Assignment: Great Depression & the New Deal
  • Review
  • Quiz: Multiple-Choice Test
  • Essay: Essay Test
  • Introduction
  • Assignment: Theme Discussion
  • America at War: WWII
  • Assignment: World War II
  • Japanese Internment
  • Essay: Japanese Internment
  • Post-War America: 1945-1960
  • Assignment: McCarthyism
  • Korean War
  • Cold War Years
  • Assignment: Cold War
  • Quiz: Multiple-Choice Test
  • Essay: Essay Test
  • Introduction
  • Assignment: Theme Discussion
  • The Tumultuous 1960s
  • Assignment: Turbulent Times
  • Civil Rights Movement
  • Essay: Civil Rights Organizations
  • Vitenam War
  • Assignment: Tumultuous 1960s
  • The Vietnam War part 2
  • Essay: Vietnam War
  • 1970s
  • Assignment: Nixon and Watergate
  • The 1980s
  • 1990s
  • Assignment: Twentieth Century
  • 21st Century
  • Quiz: Multiple-Choice Test
  • Essay: Essay Test
  • Preparing for the AP Exam
  • Handout: Course Survey
  • Assignment: Course Survey