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AP English Literature And Composition Course Outline

1.0 Credit

Develop the skills to read critically and evaluate works of literature for

  • Character development and methods of characterization
  • Setting and the influence of time and place on the work as a whole
  • Structure and its contribution to meaning
  • Style and word choice
  • Tone, purpose, and theme
  • Irony, symbolism, and figurative language

Increase their appreciation of literature in various genres and their understanding of the relationship between literature and the time/culture in which it is produced

Develop their abilities to write essays analysis and evaluation that

  • Establish an insightful thesis regarding a literary work
  • Develop the thesis with relevant, specific details from the text
  • Demonstrate a logical organization within and among paragraphs of the essay using repetition, transitions, and parallel structure
  • Use an appropriate, wide-ranging vocabulary
  • Include varied sentence structures
  • Use and maintain an appropriate voice

Develop their skills in comparing and contrasting literary elements and themes in texts written in various genres and from various literary periods.

Improve their skills in revision and editing of their own writing, including their abilities to

  • Develop a concise and insightful thesis
  • Evaluate the relevance of details for inclusion
  • Revise organization of sentences, paragraphs, or the essay as a whole to improve clarity
  • Modify word choices to make them more effective
  • Balance generalizations about the text with specific details from the text

Course Outline

  • Introduction
  • Course Description
  • Assessments
  • Focus and Materials
  • Plagiarism Discussion
  • MLA Formatting
  • MLA Citation
  • MLA Incorporating Sources
  • MLA Citation Updates
  • Content and Format
  • Scoring Rubric
  • Sample Multiple Choice
  • Handout: Sample Multiple Choice Exam
  • Quiz: Sample Multiple-Choice Exam
  • Sample Essay Exam 1
  • Essay: Free-Response Essay 1
  • The Close Reading
  • Close Reading continued
  • Close Reading Sample
  • Close Reading: Bleak House
  • Close Reading Conclusion
  • Close Reading: Practice
  • Assignment: Close Reading: Practice
  • Literary Analysis
  • Introduction
  • Assignment: Poe’s Short Story Requirements
  • Point-of-View/Setting
  • Handout: Literary Elements
  • Assignment: Girl – point of view
  • Assignment: Rip Van Winkle – setting
  • Character
  • Assignment: White Heron – character/setting
  • Plot
  • Worksheet: A Small Good Thing
  • Conflict/Theme
  • Worksheet: How to Tell a True War Story
  • Historical Context
  • Essay: To Build A Fire – Historical Context
  • Literary Devices
  • Handout: Literary Terms
  • Assignment: I Stand Here Ironing
  • Worksheet: I Stand Here Ironing cont.
  • Analysis Essay
  • Handout: Literary Analysis Essay
  • Assignment: Short Story Analysis-Rough Draft
  • Essay: Short Story Analysis Final Draft
  • Case Study: Flannery O’Connor
  • Handout: AP Flannery OConnor Story
  • Handout: Flannery O’Connor Writing A Guide for the Perplexed
  • Handout: Flannery O’Connor New World Encyclopedia
  • Handout: Heath Anthology Flanner O’Connor Bio
  • Handout: Anagogical Vision and Comedic Form in Flannery O’Connor
  • Handout: Beginnings and Endings in Flannery O’Connor
  • Handout: Flannery O’Connor’s “Fourth Dimension”
  • Handout: American Gargoyles: Flannery O’Connor and the American Grotesque
  • Handout: Narrating Knowledge in Flannery O’Connor’s Fiction
  • Handout: Southern Orientalism: Flannery O’Connor’s Cosmopolis
  • Assignment: AP Flannery OConnor Story
  • Assignment: A Good Man is Hard to Find Essay-Outline
  • Essay: A Good Man is Hard to Find Essay-Final
  • AP Practice Exam
  • Handout: AP Practice Exam
  • Assignment: Multiple-Choice Exam Practice
  • Essay: Free Response Essay Practice
  • Introduction
  • Handout: How to Read a Poem
  • Essay: Imagery in the Lyric Poem
  • Meter
  • Assignment: Sound and Sense in Poetry
  • Meter cont.
  • Rhyme
  • Structure
  • Assignment: Structure and Form
  • Essay: Sonneteers
  • Medieval & Renaissance Poetry
  • Handout: The Collar: Poem and Questions
  • Handout: The Collar: PowerPoint
  • Assignment: “The Ruin”
  • Assignment: The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam
  • Assignment: Canterbury Tales
  • Assignment: Sidney
  • Assignment: Shakespeare
  • Assignment: John Donne “The Bait”
  • Assignment: Milton “On His Blindness”
  • Neo-Classical & Romantic Poetry
  • Handout: Dickinson Frost PowerPoint
  • Assignment: “To His Coy Mistress”
  • Essay: Bradstreet & Wheatley
  • Essay: English Romantic Poets
  • Assignment: “To Autumn”
  • Assignment: William Blake
  • Victorian Poetry
  • Assignment: “Dover Beach”
  • Assignment: “Old Ironsides”
  • Modern and Post-Modern Poetry
  • Assignment: Langston Hughes: Harlem Voices
  • Assignment: Imagism
  • AP Exam Practice
  • Handout: AP Practice Exam
  • Assignment: Multiple-Choice Exam Practice
  • Essay: Free Response Essay Practice
  • Introduction
  • Handout: Shakespeare Web Quest
  • Assignment: Shakespeare Web Quest
  • Hamlet
  • Handout: Hamlet Study Guide Questions
  • Essay: Hamlet, Act I – Journal
  • Essay: Hamlet, Act II – Journal
  • Essay: Hamlet, Act III – Journal
  • Essay: Hamlet, Act IV – Journal
  • Essay: Hamlet, Act V – Journal
  • Quiz: Hamlet – Act I
  • Quiz: Hamlet – Act II
  • Quiz: Hamlet – Act III
  • Quiz: Hamlet – Act IV
  • Quiz: Hamlet – Act V
  • Assignment: Hamlet Study Guide Questions
  • Essay: Hamlet Timed Writing
  • AP Practice Exam
  • Handout: AP Practice Exam
  • Assignment: Multiple-Choice Exam Practice
  • Essay: Free Response Essay Practice
  • Introduction
  • Archetypes continued
  • Assignment: Archetypes
  • Love Medicine
  • Handout: AP Love Medicine Reader’s Journal
  • Assignment: Love Medicine Reader’s Journal
  • The Heart is a Lonely Hunter
  • Handout: AP The Heart is a Lonely Hunter
  • Assignment: Making Fiction Believable
  • Assignment: The Heart is a Lonely Hunter Journal
  • Heart of Darkness
  • Assignment: Heart of Darkness: Analyzing the Text
  • Essay: Heart of Darkness Marlow Essay
  • Essay: Heart of Darknes/The Hollow Man Essay
  • Frankenstein
  • Handout: Frankenstein Research Essay
  • Assignment: Frankenstein Research & Outline
  • Essay: Frankenstein Rough Draft
  • Essay: Frankenstein Final Draft
  • AP Practice Exam
  • Handout: AP Practice Exam
  • Assignment: Multiple-Choice Exam Practice
  • Essay: Free Response Essay Practice
  • Independent Study
  • Assignment: Independent Study: Oral Report
  • Essay: Independent Study: Research Paper
  • Final Portfolio & Reflection
  • Essay: Final Portfolio
  • Exam Preparation
  • Multiple-Choice Post-Test
  • Handout: Sample Multiple Choice Exam
  • Quiz: Multiple-Choice Post Test
  • Course Survey
  • Handout: Course Survey
  • Assignment: Course Survey