Online High School

Dance History Appreciation I

Dance History Appreciation I Course Outline


Take a few minutes to read through the following information. This concerns objectives, grading, and resources; consequently, it is information you need and will be expected to know..

Course Description:

Hello and welcome to Dance History Appreciation. My name is Ms. White and I will be your instructor for this course. Dance History Appreciation is an Elective Course, in which students will study the history of various types of dance. In addition, you will be introduced to the lives of famous dancers, such as Balanchine, Maria Tallchief, Martha Graham, Katherine Dunham, Josephine Baker, Alvin Ailey, and Gregory Hines.


During this course students will:

  • study the history of various types of dance
  • study the lives of famous dancers

Grading System:

A-100%-90%, B-89%-80%, C-79%-70%, D-69%-60%, F-Below 60%

Materials & Resources

Students should maintain a 3-ring binder organized by unit to collect and arrange study materials provided in each unit.
All material for this class will come from sources available on the Internet. Because your success in this course relies on accessing and reading the material, please let your instructor know immediately if a link is faulty or inactive.


ou will take an assessment or complete an activity after reading each chapter.
As a final project, students will need to view a dance performance of their choice. If you are not able to view a performance at a public theater, school, or college campus, view the performance on a DVD or on television. Lastly, write a two-three page paper of what you enjoyed about the performance. Make sure to give a description of the scenery, costumes, and your interpretation of the dance performance.

Please feel free to email me when you have a question.

Course Outline

  • Introduction and Expectations
  • Course Description
  • Plagiarism–Please Be Aware
  • Formatting Your Paper
  • MLA Formatting MSWord 2007
  • MLA Documentation updates
  • MLA Citation
  • MLA Incorporating Sources
  • Introduction
  • Ballet History:1600’s and 1700’s
  • Ballet 1700’s
  • Ballet 1700’s
  • Assignment: Ballet Assignment
  • 18th Century Ballet
  • 18th Century Ballet and beyond
  • Quiz: Ballet Reading Questions–18th Century
  • Romantic Ballets
  • Romantic Ballets
  • Quiz: Romantic Ballet pages 6 and 7
  • 19th Century Ballets
  • Ballet of the 20th Century
  • Worksheet: 19th and 20th century ballet
  • 20th Century Ballet
  • 20th Century Ballet
  • Ballet–New Forms and Creations
  • Ballet–New Creations
  • Ballet in the 1900’s
  • Assignment: Famous Dancer Quotes Activity
  • Ballet Dancer Links
  • History of Modern Dance in the U.S.
  • First Generation
  • Dance Pioneers
  • Quiz: Martha Graham
  • Alvin Ailey
  • Quiz: Alvin Ailey
  • Katherine Dunham–Modern Dance Choreographer
  • Second Generation
  • Assignment: Modern Dance Powerpoint Project
  • Second Generation Modern Dance
  • The Modern Generation of Modern Dance
  • Assignment: Power Point Presentation–Modern Dance
  • Jazz Dance History
  • Jazz Dance
  • Jazz Dance 1900’s
  • Jazz Dance
  • Assignment: Jazz Dance Video Review
  • Jazz Dance
  • Jazz Dance
  • Jazz Dance Links
  • Assignment: Jazz Dance Video Review Writing Assignment
  • Introduction
  • Ballroom Dance
  • Ballroom Dance
  • Ballroom Dance
  • Assignment: Ballroom Assignment Essay
  • Worksheet: Ballroom Dance
  • Tap Dance History
  • Tap in the Early 1900’s
  • Tap Dance and Musicals
  • Henry E. Dixey
  • Lancashire Clogging
  • Assignment: Tap Dance Assignment
  • George Primrose
  • Buck and Wing Tap Dancing
  • Tap Dance Examples
  • Assignment: Tap Dance Video Review
  • Dance in Africa
  • African Dance Changes in The United States
  • The African Drum
  • Polycentric African Dance
  • African Dance Influences During the 1700’s and the 1800’s in North America
  • Assignment: African Dance Powerpoint Project
  • African Dance Influence in the U.S. During the 1900’s
  • The History of African Dance in the U.S. Beyond the 1900’s
  • African Dance Links and Videos
  • Handout: Course Evaluation
  • Assignment: End of Course Evaluation