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Online High School

Stress Management

Stress Management Online High School Elective

This course is designed for the Online High School students, to help them become more aware of stress and how to manage stressful events in their lives.

Course Outline

  • Health Links
  • Welcome to class!
  • Definition
  • What is Wellness
  • Social Wellness
  • Cultural Wellness
  • Physical Wellness
  • Spiritual Wellness
  • Emotional Wellness
  • Intellectual Wellness
  • Life Planning Wellness
  • Environmental Wellness
  • Leading Health Indicators
  • Quiz: Stress Concepts
  • Assignment: Stress Concepts Study Guide
  • Eating Right
  • Staying Active
  • Starchy Foods
  • Leisure Activity
  • Fat Intake
  • Physical Activity
  • Children and Young People
  • Children and Young People (cont)
  • Women
  • Women (cont)
  • Adults
  • Elderly
  • Elderly (cont)
  • Persons with Disability
  • Quiz: Healthy Lifestyles
  • Essay: Healthy Lifestyles Essay
  • Four Types of Stress
  • Vitamins
  • Herbs
  • Exercise
  • Caffeine and Sleep
  • Aromatherapy
  • Quiz: Stress Relief
  • Essay: Four Types of Stress
  • Stress is Everywhere
  • Stress Management
  • Coping with Stress Today
  • Quiz: Stress is everywhere
  • Essay: Stress Is Everywhere Essay
  • Pinpoint Stress in Life
  • Introduction
  • Out of Balance
  • Anxiety
  • Assuaging Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Memory
  • Stress and Genes
  • Types of Stressors
  • External Stressors
  • Internal Stressors
  • Quiz: Understanding Stress
  • Assignment: Understanding Stress Website Activity
  • Targeting Stress
  • Assignment: Stress Management Plan
  • Guidelines
  • Introduction
  • Recent Experiences
  • Recent Experiences (cont)
  • Stress Diaries
  • Stress Diaries (cont)
  • Stress Analysis
  • Stress Management Plan
  • Stress Management Plan(cont)
  • Applying to Life
  • Quiz: Targeting
  • Dealing with Work Overload
  • Job Analysis
  • Pace Yourself
  • Time Demands
  • Sequencing and Prioritizing
  • Quiz: Work Overload
  • Introduction
  • Job Analysis
  • Career Planning
  • Career Planning (cont)
  • Intrinsically Stressful
  • Applying Methods
  • Quiz: Surviving a Problem Job
  • Colleague-Related Stress
  • Colleague-Related Stress (cont)
  • Office Conflict Resolution
  • Difficult bosses
  • Workplace conflict
  • Getting Support At Work
  • 12 Principles
  • 12 Principles (cont)
  • Quiz: Co workers
  • Essay: Coworkers and Stress Essay
  • Reduce Environmental Stress
  • Introduction
  • Furniture
  • Lighting
  • Air Quality
  • Working Environment
  • Tidiness & Maintenance
  • Commuting
  • Quiz: Environmental
  • Essay: Environmental Stress Essay
  • Stress and Performance
  • Introduction
  • Anticipating Stress
  • Thought Awareness
  • Thought Awareness(cont)
  • Performance Planning
  • Post-Performance Reviews
  • Quiz: Performance
  • Symptoms
  • Causes of Stress
  • Improving Diet
  • Diet (cont)
  • Improve Eating Habits
  • Sleep Routines
  • Tension
  • Quiz: Reducing Stress
  • Quiz: Final Exam
  • Course Survey
  • Handout: Course Survey
  • Assignment: Course Survey