Online High School

Foundations Of Business

Foundation of Business Online High School Elective

This course, designed to provide a fundamental understanding of business management, will cover managing, marketing, financing and communicating within a business environment. Skills taught will include communication, problem solving and decision-making, economics, ethics, financials, and basic marketing principles. Students will experience applications supporting the Florida Math Standards. Foundations of Business Elective Course Assignments are individual and project based and will provide a solid foundation for future coursework.

Course Outline

  • Introduction
  • Course Description
  • Course Links
  • MLA Formatting Word 2007
  • MLA Documentation Updates
  • MLA Citation
  • MLA Incorporating Sources
  • Business Operations
  • Transformation
  • Production Management
  • Business in Our Economy
  • Resources
  • Goods and Services
  • Economic Choice
  • Supply and Demand
  • Organizational Structure
  • Line-And-Staff Structure
  • Centralization
  • Decentralization
  • Departmentalization
  • Management: Historical
  • Instructions
  • Essay: Project 1 – Supply & Demand
  • Scientific Management
  • Behavioral Management
  • Definition of Management
  • Planning
  • Organizing
  • Management Skills
  • Human and Computer
  • Management Thought
  • Contemporary Thought
  • Authority and Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Delegation
  • Management/Leadership Styles
  • Leadership Traits
  • Contingency Theory
  • Theory X and Theory Y
  • Managerial Grid
  • Transformational Leadership
  • Japanese Management Methods
  • Management Skills
  • Assignment: Project 2 – Management
  • Goods and Services
  • Supply and Demand
  • Equilibrium
  • Nonprice Determinants of Demand
  • Marketing and Business
  • Market Segmentation
  • Marketing Mix
  • Product
  • Pricing
  • Promotion
  • Place
  • Marketing Concept
  • Marketing Concept Definition
  • Social Responsibility
  • Code of Ethics
  • Social Responsibility
  • Social Responsiveness
  • International Trade
  • Political Environment
  • Cultural Environment
  • World Trade Organization
  • Project 3 – Market Process
  • Assignment: Project – Market Process
  • Advertising
  • Cooperative Advertising
  • Persuasive Advertising
  • Advertising Objectives
  • Advertising Budget
  • Selecting the Right Advertising
  • Advertising Evaluation
  • Project 4 Instructions
  • Process
  • Assignment: Project 4 – Advertising
  • Consumer Behavior
  • Consumer Processing
  • Attitude Formation
  • External Factors
  • Cultural and Sub-Cultural
  • Decision Making Process
  • Consumer Rights
  • Consumer Product Safety Act
  • Instructions
  • Assignment: Project 5 – Consumer Bahavior
  • Deposit Taking
  • Investment and Risk Management
  • Historical Development
  • Legal and Regulatory Structure
  • Early American Finance
  • Finance in the 1800s
  • Role of Banks through 1920s
  • Securities and Exchange
  • Impact of Technology
  • Accounting
  • Professional Organizations
  • Securities Act of 1933
  • Changing Workforce
  • Accounting Cycle
  • Computerized Accounting System
  • Accounting Information Systems
  • AIS
  • Design
  • Implementation
  • Attestation
  • Money
  • Functions of Money
  • Money Supply
  • The Fed
  • Decisions
  • Credit Cards
  • Debit Cards
  • Travel Cards
  • Personal Financial Planning
  • Financial Risk
  • Computers & Technology
  • Assignment: Financial Institutions Project
  • Stocks
  • Types of Stock
  • Preferred Stock
  • Advantages / Disadvantages
  • Bonds
  • Coupon
  • Government Bonds
  • Investing in Bonds
  • Market Risk
  • Capital Market
  • IPO
  • Venture Capital
  • Rose of SEC
  • Role of Federal Reserve
  • Markets Outside U.S.
  • Assignment: Show me the Money
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Business Plan
  • Marketing Plan
  • Management Plan
  • Successful Entrepreneurs
  • Factors of Production
  • Labor
  • Capital
  • Franchising
  • Advantages and Disadvantages
  • Franchising Considerations
  • The Franchising Sector
  • Global Franchising
  • Cottage Industries
  • Home Employment Benefits
  • Resources
  • Assignment: Franchising Project
  • HR Management
  • Staffing
  • Compensation
  • Employee and Labor Relations
  • Human Resource Research
  • Employee Benefits
  • Expanded Benefits
  • Perks
  • Determinants of Compensation
  • Factors to Consider
  • Incentive Plans
  • Performance Based
  • EEO
  • Equal Pay Act
  • Historical Perspective
  • Herman Hollerith
  • Fourth Generation
  • Cut/Copy/Paste
  • Linking Programs
  • Embedding Objects
  • Computer Hardware
  • Computer Software
  • Decision Support Systems
  • Computer Networks
  • Quiz: Final
  • Course Survey
  • Handout: Course Survey
  • Assignment: Course Survey