Protest for Global Change: A message from Dr. Chung

Protest for Global Change: A message from Dr. Chung Dear FTA Families, Students, Partners, Teachers, and all Stakeholders, This is...
Protest for Global Change: A message from Dr. Chung

Protest for Global Change: A message from Dr. Chung

Dear FTA Families, Students, Partners, Teachers, and all Stakeholders,

This is a sad time for America and the world. We at FTA share in your grief, fears, sadness, and your confusion. Everyone must make a choice as to how to deal with these emotions. Some people choose to cry. Some people choose to consult with their Higher Power. Some people choose to protest. Some people (whether a celebrity or not) elect to use their platform to educate others and show unity on a stance. However and whatever the choice is, we can all agree that we want better days without the fear of pandemic and continuous tragic events that seem to be never-ending.

Disastrous but true, recent activities of the social injustice is not a new phenomenon. The root of these ideologies for hate have always been present (although overtly dormant) for generations due to failures in policies of our political, societal, and economic systems. However, the biggest failure that seems to supersede the systemic policies is the lack in belief from some of our fellow citizens of the US Declaration of Independence where our founding father, Thomas Jefferson penned, “All men are created equal.” The Fourteenth Amendment, added to the Constitution in 1868, contains a clause stating, “No state shall…deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.”

The recent senseless murders of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, Tony McDade, Sean Reed, etc., is a huge revelation and reminder that there is much work to be done in our society. We, (no matter our age, race, ethnicity, profession, socioeconomic status, etc.,) all have a civil duty and a role to participate in resolving these deep-rooted issues for the betterment of our global nation.

While we all agree that, we want our nation to return to its “normal” state, I challenge you to define what normal looks like. In order to eradicate the pandemic and deep-rooted issues of social injustice, we, as a global nation, must create and re-create a new normal. I encourage you to challenge your policymakers with new proposed laws and policies advocating for change based on a culture of fairness, respect, equality, honesty, and professionalism. The work for creating our new normal of social justice and compliance of health safety regulations that we deserve begin within our homes, communities, schools, places of worship, and our government. Leaders within these institutions must take a stance on health safety and justice for all. The road of change will not be easy. However, often times, necessary changes are never easy. Educating ourselves on all matters of importance and relevance is a key to true change.

I have always loved the quote, “education is key.” It is the key to becoming productive citizens. It is the key in creating, building, establishing, and withholding the fundamental moral and ethical character of a nation. Education is key in sustaining and progressing in generating innovative and effective strategies in building economic, societal, and health safety policies and laws. Education is key in creating a solution that best fortify our society in justice solidarity, our communities, our economies, our government, our policies, our laws, and our quality of life.

FTA remains steadfast in advocating its mission, vision, and philosophy in educating and empowering our future student leaders worldwide. FTA will continue to utilize its platform and instructional modality in providing equal education for all students. It is the hope and goal of all stakeholders at FTA to create an environment where our students experience a path free from discrimination, racism, prejudice, inequality, and health concerns. There is no place in today’s global society for hatred, racism, prolonged pandemic, violence, and senseless murders. Join FTA family and me in creating our new normal by enforcing actionable and measureable advocacy for true change.

With deep despondency of the present, but sustaining hope for true change for the future,
Dr. Gifty Chung
Director, FTA

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