Online Elementary School

Grade 3

Grade 3 English Course Outline

This course follows the Common Core State Standards for 3rd grade English.

For reading skills, the student will be able to tell the difference between literal and nonliteral language. Students will be able to talk about the chapters, scenes, and stanzas of written work and how these pieces fit together to produce a whole story. A student’s writing skills will be developed by teaching them to use linking words and phrases, words and phrases that show event order, and be able to conduct short research projects to build knowledge. Students will be able to follow social rules for discussions, such as staying on topic, being respectful of other’s turn to talk and point of view, and linking their comments to others

While reading informational texts, students will be able to describe the main idea, determine the meaning of academic words and phrases, and use maps and photographs to understand the text. The students will then learn about rules and laws, why we need them in our world, and the leaders who make these laws. The students will learn what it means to be a citizen and what symbols we use to represent America. Finally, they will learn about how people solve problems and celebrate holidays together.

Course Outline

  • Introduction
  • Pretest
  • Assignment: Pretest
  • Required Readings
  • Resources
  • Handout: Word Web
  • Handout: Graphic Organizer
  • Handout: Compare and Contrast – Venn Diagram
  • Handout: Compare and Contrast – Similar and Different
  • Handout: Storyboard
  • Handout: Spelling Quiz (Lessons 3-18)
  • Handout: Spelling Quiz (Lessons 19-36)
  • Handout: Editing Symbols
  • Handout: Reading Journal
  • Vocabulary Words Lesson 1
  • Handout: Vocabulary Words Lesson 1
  • Handout: Spelling Words Quiz Lesson 1
  • Assignment: Vocabulary Words Lesson 1
  • Assignment: Spelling Words Lesson 1
  • Vocabulary Words Lesson 2
  • Handout: Vocabulary Words Lesson 2
  • Handout: Spelling Words Quiz Lesson 2
  • Assignment: Vocabulary Words Lesson 2
  • Assignment: Spelling Words Lesson 2
  • Grammar: Subjects & Predicates
  • Essay: Parts of a Sentence
  • Assignment: Subjects & Predicates Assignment
  • Reading Mini Lesson: Fiction or Nonfiction?
  • Reading Mini Lesson: KWL Charts Review
  • Reading: The Invention of the Telephone
  • Worksheet: The Invention of the Telephone
  • Reading: Hold the Phone!
  • Quiz: Hold the Phone
  • Reading: A Picture Book of Harry Houdini
  • Handout: Harry Houdini KWL
  • Assignment: Harry Houdini KWL
  • Writing: Harry Houdini Journal
  • Handout: Reading Journal
  • Assignment: Harry Houdini Reading Journal
  • Writing Mini Lesson: Narrowing a Topic
  • Writing Mini Lesson: Paragraphs
  • Handout: Paragraphs
  • Assignment: Paragraphs
  • Speaking and Listening: Rules
  • Vocabulary Words Lesson 3
  • Handout: Vocabulary Words Lesson 3
  • Assignment: Vocabulary Words Lesson 3
  • Assignment: Spelling Words Lesson 3
  • Vocabulary Words Lesson 4
  • Handout: Vocabulary Words Lesson 4
  • Assignment: Vocabulary Words Lesson 4
  • Assignment: Spelling Words Lesson 4
  • Grammar: Types of Sentences
  • Worksheet: Writing Sentences
  • Reading Mini Lesson: What Good Readers Do – Overview
  • Reading Mini Lession: Characters
  • Handout: Character Web
  • Assignment: Character Web
  • Reading: Johnny Appleseed
  • Worksheet: Johnny Appleseed
  • Reading Mini Lesson: Setting
  • Handout: Pesky Critters Handout
  • Assignment: Pesky Critters Setting
  • Reading: The Courage of Sarah Noble
  • Assignment: The Courage of Sarah Noble Reading Journal
  • Writing: Linking Words
  • Writing: Six Step Process
  • Speaking and Listening: The Courage of Sarah Noble
  • Assignment: The Courage of Sarah Noble Recording
  • Vocabulary Words Lessons 5
  • Handout: Vocabulary Words Lesson 5
  • Assignment: Vocabulary Words Lesson 5
  • Assignment: Spelling Words Lesson 5
  • Vocabulary Words Lesson 6
  • Handout: Vocabulary Words Lesson 6
  • Assignment: Vocabulary Words Lesson 6
  • Assignment: Spelling Words Lesson 6
  • Grammar: Action & Linking Verbs
  • Assignment: Action & Linking Verbs
  • Grammar: The Verb “be”
  • Worksheet: Verb “be”
  • Essay: Verb “be”
  • Reading Mini Lesson: What Good Readers Do -Activate Prior Knowledge
  • Reading: What a Nose!
  • Essay: What a Nose
  • Reading Mini Lesson: What is a Chapter?
  • Reading: Clementine or Dragonbreath
  • Assignment: Reading Journal
  • Writing: Brainstorming
  • Assignment: Brainstorming Someone Special
  • Speaking and Listening: Painting Elephants
  • Worksheet: Main Idea and Supporting Details
  • Vocabulary Words Lessons 7
  • Handout: Vocabulary Words Lesson 7
  • Assignment: Vocabulary Words Lesson 7
  • Assignment: Spelling Words Lesson 7
  • Vocabulary Words Lesson 8
  • Handout: Vocabulary Words Lesson 8
  • Assignment: Vocabulary Words Lesson 8
  • Assignment: Spelling Words Lesson 8
  • Grammar Review: Adjectives and Adverbs
  • Quiz: Adjective or Adverb?
  • Reading Mini Lesson: What Good Readers Do – Reread!
  • Essay: What a Nose! Summary
  • Reading Mini Lesson: Point of View
  • Quiz: Point of View
  • Reading: Animals in Winter
  • Worksheet: Animals in Winter Assignment
  • Reading: Bink and Gollie or Best Friends for Frances
  • Writing: Reading Journal
  • Assignment: Reading Journal
  • Writing: Using a Graphic Organizer
  • Assignment: Graphic Organizer of Someone Special
  • 1- Vocabulary Words Lesson 9
  • Handout: Vocabulary Words Lesson 9
  • Assignment: Vocabulary Words Lesson 9
  • Assignment: Spelling Words Lesson 9
  • Vocabulary Words Lesson 10
  • Handout: Vocabulary Words Lesson 10
  • Assignment: Vocabulary Words Lesson 10
  • Assignment: Spelling Words Lesson 10
  • Grammar: Verb Phrases/Helping Verbs
  • Worksheet: Helping and Main Verbs
  • Grammar: The Verb “Have” in Present/Past/Future
  • Essay: The Verb “Have”
  • Grammar: The Verb “Do”
  • Quiz: The Verb “Do”
  • Reading Mini Lesson: What Good Readers Do – Ask Questions
  • Reading Mini Lesson: Pictures and Words
  • Reading: Berry Colorful Ink
  • Quiz: Ink
  • Reading: The Gadget War
  • Writing: The Gadget War Journal
  • Assignment: The Gadget War Reading Journal
  • Writing: Using A Graphic Organizer to Write a Draft
  • Assignment: Draft of Someone Special
  • Speaking and Listening: Ask Questions
  • Assignment: A Topic Discussion
  • Vocabulary Words Lesson 11
  • Handout: Vocabulary Words Lesson 11
  • Assignment: Vocabulary Words Lesson 11
  • Assignment: Spelling Words Lesson 11
  • Vocabulary Words Lesson 12
  • Handout: Vocabulary Words Lesson 12
  • Assignment: Vocabulary Words Lesson 12
  • Assignment: Spelling Words Lesson 12
  • Grammar: Present & Past Tense
  • Quiz: Present & Past Tense Verbs
  • Reading Mini Lesson: Context Clues
  • Reading: At the Library
  • Essay: Library Visit
  • Reading: Goin’ Someplace Special
  • Writing: Goin’ Someplace Special Journal
  • Assignment: Goin’ Someplace Special Reading Journal
  • Writing: Peer Reviewing
  • Writing: Revising and Proofreading
  • Assignment: Revising and Proofreading Someone Special
  • Speaking and Listening: Explaining Ideas
  • Assignment: Talking About Writing Recording
  • Vocabulary Words Lesson 13
  • Handout: Vocabulary Words Lesson 13
  • Assignment: Vocabulary Words Lesson 13
  • Assignment: Spelling Words Lesson 13
  • Vocabulary Words Lesson 14
  • Handout: Vocabulary Words Lesson 14
  • Assignment: Vocabulary Words Lesson 14
  • Assignment: Spelling Words Lesson 14
  • Grammar: Identifying Nouns
  • Handout: Nouns
  • Assignment: Nouns Assignment
  • Grammar: Plural Nouns
  • Quiz: Plural Nouns Quiz
  • Grammar: Proper Nouns
  • Worksheet: Proper Nouns Worksheet
  • Grammar: Possessive Nouns
  • Handout: Possessive Nouns
  • Assignment: Possessive Nouns Assignment
  • Grammar: Abstract Nouns
  • Reading: Sharks
  • Worksheet: Sharks Worksheeet
  • Reading: Bats
  • Essay: Bats Assignment
  • Reading Mini Lesson: Compare and Contrast Themes
  • Assignment: Compare and Contrast Themes
  • Reading: George and Martha
  • Writing: George and Martha Reading Journal
  • Assignment: George and Martha Reading Journal
  • Writing: Proofreading and Editing
  • Assignment: Someone Special Final Draft
  • Vocabulary Words Lesson 15
  • Handout: Vocabulary Words Lesson 15
  • Assignment: Vocabulary Words Lesson 15
  • Assignment: Spelling Words Lesson 15
  • Vocabulary Words Lesson 16
  • Handout: Vocabulary Words Lesson 16
  • Assignment: Vocaubulary Words Lesson 16
  • Assignment: Spelling Words Lesson 16
  • Vocabulary: Shades of Meaning and Synonyms
  • Quiz: Synonyms
  • Reading Mini Lesson: Time Order Writing
  • Reading: Who Invented Potato Chips?
  • Essay: Who Invented Potato Chips Assignment
  • Worksheet: Who Invented Potato Chips Worksheet
  • Reading: Pop! The Invention of Bubble Gum
  • Writing: Pop! The Invention of Bubble Gum Journal.
  • Assignment: Pop! Reading Journal
  • Writing: Time Order Topic
  • Assignment: Time Order Writing
  • Speaking and Listening: Giving a Report
  • Vocabulary Words Lesson 17
  • Handout: Vocabulary Words Lesson 17
  • Assignment: Vocabulary Words Lesson 17
  • Assignment: Spelling Words Lesson 17
  • Vocabulary Words Lesson 18
  • Handout: Vocabulary Words Lesson 18
  • Assignment: Vocabulary Words Lesson 18
  • Assignment: Spelling Words Lesson 18
  • Grammar: Pronouns
  • Quiz: Pronouns
  • Quiz: Pronouns Part 2
  • Essay: Pronouns Assignment
  • Reading Mini Lesson: What Good Readers Do – Predictions
  • Reading Mini Lesson: Nonfiction Prediction
  • Reading Mini Lesson: Informative/Explanatory Texts
  • Handout: “Bikes”
  • Reading: “Planets”
  • Handout: Planets Story
  • Handout: Planets Story Summary
  • Assignment: Planets Story
  • Reading: Washington, D.C.
  • Worksheet: Washington, D.C.
  • Reading: Liberty!
  • Assignment: Liberty! Reading Journal
  • Writing: Informational Writing
  • Assignment: Informational Writing
  • Midtest
  • Assignment: Midtest
  • Vocabulary Words Lesson 19
  • Handout: Vocabulary Words Lesson 19
  • Assignment: Vocabulary Words Lesson 19
  • Assignment: Spelling Words Lesson 19
  • Vocabulary Words Lesson 20
  • Handout: Vocabulary Words Lesson 20
  • Assignment: Vocabulary Words Lesson 20
  • Assignment: Spelling Words Lesson 20
  • Vocabulary: Sentence Level Context Clues
  • Grammar: Capitalizing & Punctuating Sentences
  • Grammar: Capitalizing & Punctuating Titles and Initials
  • Grammar: Capitalizing Place Names & Addresses
  • Handout: Capitalization and Punctuation
  • Assignment: Capitalization & Punctuation Assignment
  • Grammar: Addresses and Abbreviations
  • Essay: Addresses & Letter Writing Essay
  • Reading: Postcards from Mexico
  • Essay: Postcards from Mexico Essay
  • Reading Mini Lesson: Literal and Figurative
  • Reading: Squids Will Be Squids
  • Assignment: Squids Will Be Squids Reading Journal
  • Writing: Closure
  • Vocabulary Words Lesson 21
  • Handout: Vocabulary Words Lesson 21
  • Assignment: Vocabulary Words Lesson 21
  • Assignment: Spelling Words Lesson 21
  • Vocabulary Words Lesson 22
  • Handout: Vocabulary Words Lesson 22
  • Assignment: Vocabulary Words Lesson 22
  • Assignment: Spelling Words Lesson 22
  • Grammar: Subject/Verb Agreement
  • Quiz: Subject/Verb Agreement
  • Reading Mini Lesson: What Good Readers Do – Inferences
  • Essay: Inferences
  • Reading: A New School Day
  • Worksheet: A New School Day
  • Reading: Poetry
  • Worksheet: Poetry
  • Reading: Poetry Continued
  • Reading: Dogku
  • Assignment: Dogku Reading Journal
  • Assignment: Dogku Recording
  • Reading: Comets, Stars, the Moon and Mars
  • Assignment: Comets, Stars, The Moon and Mars Journal
  • Writing: Poetry
  • Assignment: Write Your Own Poem
  • Speaking and Listening: Poems
  • Assignment: Poem Recordings
  • Vocabulary Words Lesson 23
  • Handout: Vocabulary Words Lesson 23
  • Assignment: Vocabulary Words Lesson 23
  • Assignment: Spelling Words Lesson 23
  • Vocabulary Words Lesson 24
  • Handout: Vocabulary Words Lesson 24
  • Assignment: Vocabulary Words Lesson 24
  • Assignment: Spelling Words Lesson 24
  • Grammar: Subject/Antecedent Agreement
  • Quiz: Subject/Antecedent Agreement
  • Reading Mini Lesson: What Good Readers Do – Visualize
  • Assignment: Visualizing
  • Reading and Writing: Morals, Central Message, and Fables
  • Handout: The Tricky Wolf and the Rats
  • Handout: Brainstorming Lessons
  • Reading: Aesop’s Fables – The Frog’s Rule
  • Worksheet: The Frog’s Rule
  • Reading: Arrow to the Sun
  • Assignment: Arrow to the Sun Reading Journal
  • Reading: An Arabic Fable
  • Worksheet: An Arabic Fable
  • Writing: Organizing A Story or Fable
  • Handout: Lessons and Morals Graphic Organizer
  • Writing: My Fable
  • Assignment: My Fable
  • 1- Vocabulary Words Lesson 25
  • Handout: Vocabulary Words Lesson 25
  • Assignment: Vocaublary Words Lesson 25
  • Assignment: Spelling Words Lesson 25
  • Vocabulary Words Lesson 26
  • Handout: Vocabulary Words Lesson 26
  • Assignment: Vocabulary Words Lesson 26
  • Assignment: Spelling Words Lesson 26
  • Vocabulary Mini Lesson: Root Words
  • Grammar: Prefixes and Suffixes
  • Worksheet: Prefixes and Suffixes
  • Grammar: Contractions
  • Quiz: Contractions
  • Reading: Wishes on the Sidewalk
  • Worksheet: Wishes on the Sidewalk
  • Reading Mini Lesson: Illustrations
  • Reading: My Rows and Piles of Coins
  • Assignment: My Rows and Piles of Coins Reading Journal
  • Writing: Topic and Main Idea
  • Essay: Topic and Main Idea
  • Vocabulary Words Lesson 27
  • Handout: Vocabulary Words Lesson 27
  • Assignment: Vocabulary Words Lesson 27
  • Assignment: Spelling Words Lesson 27
  • Vocabulary Words Lesson 28
  • Handout: Vocabulary Words Lesson 28
  • Assignment: Vocabulary Words Lesson 28
  • Assignment: Spelling Words Lesson 28
  • Vocabulary Mini Lesson: Written vs. Spoken
  • Grammar: Comparative and Superlative
  • Quiz: Comparative and Superlative
  • Reading: Owls
  • Worksheet: Owls Assignment
  • Reading: Willow or Rufus the Scrub Does Not Wear a Tutu
  • Assignment: Willow or Rufus Reading Journal
  • Writing: Develop A Topic
  • Essay: Develop a Topic
  • Vocabulary Words Lesson 29
  • Handout: Vocabulary Words Lesson 29
  • Assignment: Vocabulary Words Lesson 29
  • Assignment: Spelling Words Lesson 29
  • Vocabulary Words Lesson 30
  • Handout: Vocabulary Words Lesson 30
  • Assignment: Vocabulary Words Lesson 30
  • Assignment: Spelling Words Lesson 30
  • Vocabulary Mini Lesson: Choosing Words
  • Grammar: Coordinating and Subordinating Conjunctions
  • Quiz: Coordinating and Subordinating Conjunctions
  • Reading Mini Lesson: What Good Readers Do – Text Connections
  • Assignment: Camping Text Connections
  • Reading: First Day in Grapes
  • Assignment: First Day in Grapes Reading Journal
  • Reading: Climax of a Story
  • Worksheet: Jack the Giant Killer
  • Writing: Writing a Mystery
  • Assignment: Writing a Mystery
  • Vocabulary Words Lesson 31
  • Handout: Vocabulary Words Lesson 31
  • Assignment: Vocabulary Words Lesson 31
  • Assignment: Spelling Words Lesson 31
  • Vocabulary Words Lesson 32
  • Handout: Vocabulary Words Lesson 32
  • Assignment: Vocabulary Words Lesson 32
  • Assignment: Spelling Words Lesson 32
  • Grammar: Simple and Compound Sentences
  • Quiz: Simple and Compound Sentences
  • Reading Mini Lesson: Skimming a Story
  • Handout: A Day at the Store
  • Worksheet: Skimming
  • Reading: Sports, Sports, Sports
  • Reading: You Are the First Kid on Mars or Dinosaurs in Your Backyard
  • Assignment: Mars or Dinosaur Reading Journal
  • Writing: Temporal Words
  • Essay: Temporal Preposition Writing
  • Vocabulary Words Lesson 33
  • Handout: Vocabulary Words Lesson 33
  • Assignment: Vocabulary Words Lesson 33
  • Assignment: Spelling Words Lesson 33
  • Vocabulary Words Lesson 34
  • Handout: Vocabulary Words Lesson 34
  • Assignment: Vocabulary Words Lesson 34
  • Assignment: Spelling Words Lesson 34
  • Vocabulary Mini Lesson: Word Families
  • Quiz: Word Families
  • Grammar: Using Quotation Marks
  • Assignment: Family Dinner Quick Write
  • Reading: At the Shore
  • Worksheet: At the Shore Comprehension
  • Worksheet: At The Shore Reading Strategies
  • Reading: The Secret Cave
  • Assignment: The Secret Cave Reading Journal
  • Writing: Dialogue
  • Assignment: A Story with Dialogue
  • Vocabulary Words Lesson 35
  • Handout: Vocabulary Words Lesson 35
  • Assignment: Vocabulary Words Lesson 35
  • Assignment: Spelling Words Lesson 35
  • Vocabulary Words Lesson 36
  • Handout: Vocabulary Words Lesson 36
  • Assignment: Vocabulary Words Lesson 36
  • Assignment: Spelling Words Lesson 36
  • Grammar Review: Parts of Speech and Their Functions
  • Reading Mini Lesson: Comparing Points
  • Handout: The Tricky Wolf and The Rats
  • Handout: The Three Fishes
  • Handout: Compare and Contrast Two Stories
  • Quiz: Parts of Speech
  • Assignment: Compare and Contrast Two Stories
  • Reading: Rosa
  • Assignment: Rosa Reading Journal
  • Reading: Honey
  • Worksheet: Honey
  • Speaking and Listening: Bees
  • Worksheet: Bees
  • Writing: Create a Story
  • Assignment: Create a Story
  • Post-test
  • Assignment: Post-test
  • Handout: Course Evalulation
  • Assignment: Course Evaluation