Online Elementary School

Grade 1

Grade 1 English Course Outline

Following the Common Core Standards for 1st grade English, this class builds on the reading, writing, speaking, and listing skills for students. Students will practice retelling stories, answering questions about stories, and describing the major events within a story.

Students will develop skills to identify words that suggest feelings, explain the differences between books that tell stories and those that give information, and identify who is telling a story at different times in a book. The students will demonstrate an understanding of words that are spoke, syllables within a word, and sounds. Through the application of appropriate phonics and the analysis of words, students will be able to read grade-level material well enough to understand the meaning.

By the end of the course students should be able to write opinion, informative, or narrative works. They should also feel comfortable conducting collaborative writing projects that involve some research.

Course Outline

  • Introduction
  • Course Description
  • Pretest
    • Assignment: Pretest
  • Required Readings
  • Letter Sounds
    • Handout: Letter Sounds
    • Assignment: Letter Sounds
  • Sight Words: Introduction
    • Handout: Sight Words Packet
    • Assignment: Sight Words: A
  • Sight Words: The
    • Assignment: Sight Words: The
  • Sight Words: And
    • Assignment: Sight Words: And
  • Sight Words: I
    • Assignment: Sight Words: I
  • Sight Words: Like
    • Handout: What Do I Like? Sight Word Story
    • Assignment: Sight Words: Like
    • Assignment: What Do I Like
  • Rhyming Sounds: At
    • Handout: Rhyming Sounds ‘at’
    • Assignment: Rhyming Sounds -at-
  • Sight Words: Go
  • Assignment: Sight Words: Go
  • Sight Words: You
  • Assignment: Sight Words: You
  • Sight Words: My
  • Assignment: Sight Words: My
  • Sight Words: Can
  • Assignment: Sight Words: Can
  • Sight Words: To
  • Handout: Where Can You Go? Sight Word Story
  • Assignment: Sight Words: To
  • Assignment: Where Can You Go?
  • Starting Sentences
  • Handout: Starting Sentences
  • Sight Words: Is
  • Assignment: Sight Words: Is
  • Sight Words: We
  • Assignment: Sight Words: We
  • Sight Words: They
  • Assignment: Sight Words: They
  • Sight Words: House
  • Assignment: Sight Words: House
  • Sight Words: School
  • Handout: Sight Words: School at my House
  • Assignment: Sight Words: School
  • Assignment: School at my House
  • Short Vowel Sounds
  • Handout: Short Vowels Story – Meg, Sam, and Tim
  • Assignment: Short Vowels
  • Sight Word: At
  • Assignment: Sight Words: At
  • Sight Word: No
  • Assignment: Sight Words: No
  • Sight Word: Yes
  • Assignment: Sight Words: Yes
  • Sight Words: I’m
  • Handout: No! Bad Goat!
  • Assignment: Sight Words: I’m
  • Assignment: No! Bad Goat!
  • Long Vowel Sounds
  • Handout: A Day with Mike and Kate
  • Assignment: A Day With Mike and Kate
  • Capital Letter Review
  • Sight Word: Cat
  • Assignment: Sight Words: Cat
  • Sight Word: Dog
  • Assignment: Sight Words: Dog
  • Sight Words: She
  • Assignment: Sight Words: She
  • Sight Words: He
  • Assignment: Sight Words: He
  • Sight Words: Don’t
  • Handout: Sight Words: My Pets
  • Assignment: Sight Words: Don’t
  • Assignment: My Pets
  • Bossy R
  • Handout: Gloria Goes for a Drive
  • Assignment: Gloria Goes For A Drive
  • Vocabulary: Introduction
  • Handout: Vocabulary Words 1
  • Assignment: Vocabulary Words 1
  • Grammar: Nouns
  • Quiz: Nouns
  • Grammar: Plural Nouns
  • Worksheet: Plural Nouns Practice
  • Grammar: Proper Nouns and Capital Letters
  • Handout: Common and Proper Nouns
  • Assignment: Proper and Common Nouns
  • Grammar: Names of Days and Months
  • Worksheet: Proper Nouns Practice
  • Reading Mini Lesson: What Do Good Readers Do
  • Reading: Mix a Pancake
  • Writing: A Food Poem
  • Assignment: A Food Poem
  • 9- Speaking and Listening: Poem Read Aloud
  • Vocabulary Words 2
  • Handout: Vocabulary Words 2
  • Assignment: Vocabulary Words 2
  • Grammar: Pronouns
  • Grammar: Personal Pronouns
  • Worksheet: Personal Pronouns
  • Grammar: Possessive Pronouns
  • Worksheet: Possessive Pronouns
  • Grammar: Indefinite Pronouns
  • Handout: Pronoun Sorting
  • Worksheet: Indefinite Pronouns
  • Assignment: Pronoun Sorting
  • Reading Mini Lesson: Ask and Answer Questions
  • Reading: The Kissing Hand
  • Handout: Reading Rubric
  • Assignment: The Kissing Hand Recording
  • Reading: The Kissing Hand Reading Journal
  • Handout: The Kissing Hand Reading Journal
  • Assignment: The Kissing Hand Reading Journal
  • Speaking and Listening: How to be a Good Listener and Speaker
  • Vocabulary Words 3
  • Handout: Vocabulary Words 3
  • Assignment: Vocabulary Words 3
  • Vocabulary: Shades of Meaning
  • Grammar: Verbs
  • Handout: Verb Practice
  • Assignment: Verbs
  • Grammar: Verbs That Show Past Time
  • Grammar: Irregular Verbs That Show Past Time
  • Worksheet: Past Tense and Irregular Verbs Worksheet
  • Grammar: The Verb “Be”
  • Handout: The Verb Be
  • Assignment: The Verb Be
  • Grammar: The Verb “Have”
  • Reading Mini Lesson: Retell a Story
  • Handout: Retell A Story
  • Assignment: Retell A Story
  • Reading: Olivia
  • Assignment: Olivia’s Recording
  • Reading: Olivia’s Reading Journal
  • Handout: Olivia’s Reading Journal
  • Assignment: Olivia’s Reading Journal
  • Writing: Retell A Story
  • Handout: Olivia’s Retell
  • Assignment: Olivia’s Retell
  • Speaking and Listening: Retell a Story
  • Worksheet: Favorite Book Retell
  • Vocabulary Words 4
  • Handout: Vocabulary Words 4
  • Assignment: Vocabulary Words 4
  • Vocabulary: Shades of Meaning
  • Grammar: Describing Words
  • Grammar: “When” Words
  • Handout: Describing Words
  • Assignment: Describing Words
  • Worksheet: “When” Words
  • Mini Lesson: Who’s Telling the Story?
  • Reading: Miss Smith’s Incredible Storybook
  • Assignment: Miss Smith’s Incredible Storybook RecordingWriting: Miss Smith’s Incredble Storybook Journal
  • Handout: Miss Smith’s Incredible Storybook Journal
  • Assignment: Miss Smith’s Incredibly Storybook Journal
  • 8- Speaking and Listening: Feelings
  • Vocabulary Words 5 – Alphabetical Order
  • Handout: Vocabulary Words 5
  • Assignment: Vocabulary Words 5
  • Vocabulary: Sorting Words
  • Grammar: “Where” Words
  • Worksheet: “Where” Words
  • Reading Mini Lesson: Pictures
  • Reading: Little Bear
  • Assignment: Little Bear Recording
  • Reading: Little Bear Journal
  • Handout: Little Bear Reading Journal
  • Assignment: Little Bear Reading JournalWriting: Little Bear Pictures
  • Handout: Little Bear Pictures
  • Assignment: Little Bear Pictures
  • Speaking and Listening: Little Bear Story
  • Vocabulary Words 6
  • Handout: Vocabulary Words 6
  • Assignment: Vocabulary Words 6
  • Grammar: Linking Words
  • Quiz: Linking Words
  • Reading Mini Lesson: Who, What, Where
  • Reading: Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day
  • Assignment: Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day Recording
  • Writing: Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day Journal
  • Handout: Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day Journal
  • Assignment: Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day Journal
  • Speaking and Listening: Your Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day
  • Vocabulary Words 7
  • Handout: Vocabulary Words 7
  • Assignment: Vocabulary Words 7
  • Vocabulary: Endings
  • Worksheet: Endings
  • Grammar: Abbreviations
  • Quiz: Abbreviations
  • Reading Mini Lesson: What’s the Same? What’s Different?
  • Reading: Frog and Toad Together
  • Assignment: The Frog and Toad Together Recording
  • Writing: Frog and Toad Together Reading Journal
  • Handout: Frog and Toad Together Journal
  • Assignment: Frog and Toad Together JournalMidtest
  • Assignment: Midtest
  • Vocabulary Words 8
  • Handout: Vocabulary Words 8
  • Assignment: Vocabulary Words 8
  • Vocabulary Mini Lesson: Words You Don’t Know
  • Grammar: Contractions
  • Handout: Contractions
  • Assignment: Contractions
  • Reading: The Empty Pot
  • Assignment: The Empty Pot Recording
  • Writing: The Empty Pot Journal
  • Handout: The Empty Pot Journal
  • Assignment: The Empty Pot Journal
  • Vocabulary Words 9
  • Handout: Vocabulary Words 9
  • Assignment: Vocabulary Words 9
  • Grammar: Sentences
  • Handout: Sentences
  • Assignment: Sentences
  • Grammar: Commas
  • Handout: Commas
  • Assignment: Commas
  • Reading Mini Lesson: Feelings
  • Reading: Hi! Fly Guy
  • Assignment: Hi! Fly Guy Recording
  • Writing: Unusual Pet
  • Essay: Unusual PetListening and Speaking: Unusual Pet
  • Vocabulary Words 10
  • Handout: Vocabulary Words 10
  • Assignment: Vocabulary Words 10
  • Grammar: Sequencing
  • Grammar: Parts of a Story
  • Worksheet: Parts of a Story
  • Grammar: Cause and Effect
  • Handout: Cause and Effect
  • Assignment: Cause and Effect
  • Reading Mini Lesson: A Story in Order
  • Reading: Out of the Ballpark
  • Assignment: Out of the Ballpark Recording
  • Writing: A Story About You!
  • Essay: A Story About You!
  • Vocabulary Words 11
  • Handout: Vocabulary Words 11
  • Assignment: Vocabulary Words 11
  • Vocabulary Mini Lesson: Categories
  • Grammar: Types of Sentences and Endings
  • Grammar: Questions
  • Grammar: Question Words
  • Grammar: Exclamations!
  • Handout: Sentences
  • Assignment: SentencesReading: Nonfiction
  • Handout: Nonfiction Scavenger Hunt
  • Assignment: Nonfiction Scavenger Hunt
  • Reading: A Tree is a Plant
  • Assignment: A Tree is a Plant Recording
  • Writing: Nonfiction
  • Speaking and Listening: Nonfiction
  • Vocabulary Words 12
  • Handout: Vocabulary Words 12
  • Assignment: Vocabulary Words 12
  • Vocabulary: Real Life Connections
  • Grammar: Interjection!
  • Essay: Interjections!
  • Reading and Writing Mini Lesson: KWL Chart
  • Handout: KWL Think Aloud
  • Assignment: KWL Think Aloud
  • Writing: A Cool Drink of Water KWL
  • Handout: A Cool Drink of Water KWL
  • Reading: A Cool Drink of Water
  • Assignment: A Cool Drink of Water Recording
  • Assignment: A Cool Drink of Water KWLWriting: From a KWL to a Paragraph
  • Handout: What I Know
  • Essay: A Cool Drink of Water Paragraph
  • Vocabulary Words 12
  • Handout: Vocabulary Words 12
  • Vocabulary Words 13
  • Handout: Vocabulary Words 13
  • Assignment: Vocabulary Words 13
  • Grammar: Figurative Language
  • Handout: Figurative Language
  • Assignment: Figurative Language
  • Reading: Follow the Water from Brook to Ocean
  • Assignment: Follow the Water from Brook to Ocean Recording
  • Writing Mini Lesson: Comparing Nonfiction
  • Handout: Comparing Nonfiction
  • Assignment: Comparing Nonfiction
  • Speaking and Listening: Follow the Water from Brook to Ocean
  • Vocabulary Words 15
  • Handout: Vocabulary Words 15
  • Assignment: Vocabulary Words 15
  • Grammar: Sentence Agreement
  • Handout: Sentence Agreement
  • Assignment: Sentence Agreement
  • Reading Mini Lesson: Key Details
  • Writing: Key Details in Starfish KWL
  • Handout: Starfish KWL and Paragraph
  • Assignment: Starfish KWL and Paragraph.
  • Reading: Starfish
  • Assignment: Starfish Recording
  • Speaking and Listening: Starfish
  • Vocabulary Words 14
  • Handout: Vocabulary Words 14
  • Assignment: Vocabulary Words 14
  • Grammar: Parts of a Sentence
  • Handout: Parts of a Sentence
  • Assignment: Parts of a Sentence
  • Reading Mini Lesson: The Big Idea
  • Handout: Big Idea
  • Reading and Writing: Looking After Myself
  • Handout: Looking After Myself Big Idea
  • Assignment: Looking After Myself Recording
  • Assignment: Looking After Myself Big Idea
  • Speaking and Listening: Looking After Myself Big Idea
  • Vocabulary Words 16
  • Handout: Vocabulary Words 16
  • Assignment: Vocabulary Words 16
  • Vocabulary Mini Lesson: Break it Down
  • Grammar: Complete Sentences
  • Quiz: Whole Sentence
  • Reading Mini Lesson: Pictures or Words
  • Reading: Chameleon, Chameleon
  • Assignment: Chameleon, Chameleon Recording
  • Writing: Chameleon, Chameleon Pictures and Words
  • Handout: Chameleon, Chameleon Pictures and Words
  • Assignment: Chameleon, Chameleon Pictures and Words
  • Vocabulary Words 17
  • Handout: Vocabulary Words 17
  • Assignment: Vocabulary Words 17
  • Grammar: Friendly Letters
  • Essay: Friendly Letter
  • Reading: From Seed to Pumpkin
  • Assignment: From Seed to Pumpkin Recording
  • Writing: Friendly Letter
  • Handout: Friendly Letter Template
  • Assignment: Friendly Letter
  • Speaking and Listening: From Seed to Pumpkin
  • Vocabulary Words 18
  • Handout: Vocabulary Words 18
  • Assignment: Vocabulary Words 18
  • Grammar: Paragraph – Staying On Topic
  • Grammar: Order of Sentences in Paragraphs
  • Handout: Paragraphs
  • Assignment: Paragraphs
  • Reading: How People Learned to Fly
  • Assignment: How People Learned to Fly Recording
  • Writing: Learn Something New
  • Assignment: Learn Something New
  • Speaking and Listening: Read Aloud
  • Post-test
  • Assignment: Post-test
  • Handout: Course Evalulation
  • Assignment: Course Evaluation